  • 學位論文


Deterioration Diagnostic Model for Aged Building External Wall Tiles

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


臺灣約自1981年建築業開始蓬勃發展,至今多數建築物屋齡已逾30餘年,因老舊及缺乏維護而導致近年來發生多起外牆危安意外事件,政府逐漸重視外牆磁磚的定期安全檢查機制。然而過去並未有一套專門針對外牆安全檢查的法令或機制,以及完整的外牆安全檢查評估準則與標準,以致對於外牆安全檢查的成效無法量化,造成實務上對於部分外牆磁磚仍未有一定參考標準或依據。為有效推動外牆磁磚檢查評估機制,應有相關配合之實證結果方式與評估準則給予政府實施檢查機制參考。本研究期能透過國內外資料匯整及相關實證檢驗研究,提供老舊建築物外牆磁磚安全檢查時參考標準依據與評估方法。 本研究透過目視檢測、紅外線熱顯像及打音診斷等三種非破壞實驗方法,提出不同程度與不同階段別的檢查流程機制。本研究研擬建築物外牆磁磚公共安全診斷模式,輔以拉拔試驗確認診斷結果,並依據診斷結果進行公共安全危險分級,及提出建議更新整建內容。透過台北、台中及高雄118個案例實地進行目視檢測調查,以及臺灣大學46筆案例,共164筆案例建立「建築物外牆磁磚D.E.R目視診斷評估方法」,目視評估檢查主要評估建築物外牆磁磚之劣化程度、劣化範圍以及對既成環境公共安全影響為主要內容,及計算各案例狀況指標,進一步提出建築物外牆磁磚公共安全危害分級。 外牆磁磚公共安全危害分級結果,本研究建議區分為劣化程度輕微,依照法令定期維護;可能有立即性危害,需進行第二階段深入檢查;以及有立即性危害,需立即進行整建維護三種結果。由於目視評估檢查可能出現檢測人員認知判定落差的可能性,因此建議在第二階段的檢查中加入紅外線熱影像儀器檢查,透過本研究建議的檢測時間與劣化標準,依照影像分析結果判定劣化狀況。經由紅外線熱影像分析劣化位置後,再以打音診斷法雙重確認劣化磁磚的範圍與程度,以確立後續的更新維護方式與整建範圍。 本研究開發包括外牆磁磚檢測標準作業流程、外牆磁磚目視診斷評估方法、外牆磁磚紅外線熱影像法建議觀測時間(東南向建議於09~13點間檢測,溪北巷建議於12~15點間檢測)與劣化判定基準(溫差平均約>1度),打音法劣化判定基準(頻率落於200~800Hz,振幅超過0.01)在實務上可供參考的方法與標準依據。為求本研究所提出之劣化判定基準的客觀性,本研究以破壞性檢測拉拔試驗分析磁磚劣化狀況內容,以及確認紅外線熱影像檢測結果,及打音診斷檢測結果的一致性,研究結果顯示紅外線熱影像及打音診斷方法與拉拔試驗結果一致。 本研究建議未來營建署制度外牆磁磚安全評估檢查機制時,可參考本研究所開發的檢測標準作業流程及磁磚劣化判訂標準為依據,制定相關的評估檢查機制。本研究並建議政府可參考在公共安全檢查申報制度內新增外牆磁磚安全評估檢查,以強制檢查為主,補助評估檢查費用與外牆整建費用為輔,以利降低外牆公共安全意外事故發生的可能性。


There is a construction boom of the building industry in Taiwan in the 1980’s. So far these buildings are confronting the problems of exterior wall tiles deteriorating. Lack of proper maintenance and regulation requirements of these building exterior walls and tiles had resulted in public safety concerns. The purpose of this study aims to establish a model for evaluating the significance of deterioration for these building exterior wall tiles. Base on the levels of deterioration, compulsory exterior wall tiles renovation and periodic safety checking regulations are then recommended to the government authorities. This study proposes to visual inspection detect method, infrared thermal imaging detection method and tap tone detection methods for different degrees and at different stages of the inspection process mechanism. The study was elaboration the building external wall tiles public safety diagnostic model, and combined with pull-out test to confirm the diagnosis results and the public safety hazard classification. In this study, Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Taiwan University are total of 164 cases of visual inspection, the present of study proposes the building external wall tiles D.E.R visual diagnostic assessment methods. The DER model developed three aspects of exterior wall tiles deterioration. The D stands for degree, and 5 levels of deterioration are defined. The E stands for the extension, in other words, the area of deterioration of the exterior wall tiles. The R regarding the relevancy for the deteriorated exterior wall tiles to the public safety. A Conditioning index (CI) is calculated by the DER model for judging how to deteriorate the exterior wall tiles. This study suggests that the result is divided into (1) degree of deterioration slight, regular maintenance in accordance with the Act; (2) may be hazardous to the need for a second phase of inspection; and (3) There are immediate hazards need immediate renovation and maintenance. To avoid inspectors judging cognitive gap, the study recommended to join in the second phase of checking infrared thermal imaging instrument checks, through this study suggests that the determination of deterioration by infrared thermal imaging method results. After the deterioration of the position confirmed, the study suggests that use beat tone test method to determine the extent and degree of deterioration of the deterioration tiles, and proposed renovation and maintenance mode range in the future. The research was development of the external walls of tile detection Standard Operating Procedures, building exterior wall tiles visual diagnostic assessment methods, building exterior wall tiles infrared thermal imaging method is recommended observation time and the deterioration judgment reference, building external wall tiles rap tone method inspection deterioration standard, the main substantive contribution that the implementation of methods and standards as a reference. At the same time this study confirm the pull-out test results of real deterioration. Finally, constructive recommendations are made to improve the public safety regarding the huge amount of aged building exterior walls and tiles in Taiwan.


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