  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Operation and Maintenance strategy for Historical Monuments Using Game Theory –Case Study of Taipei City Monument Waterway System

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


臺北市定古蹟水道系統為全臺第ㄧ個系統性古蹟,古蹟指定包含了主體建築物及相連接的渠道,且為目前尚在使用中的古蹟,為此臺北市政府首開國內「系統性文化資產保存」先例,於民國93年4月28日公告指定為市定第111號古蹟,其中「陽明山第三水源區」及「三角埔發電所」屬系統中較具文化特色主體建築物及充足展示空間,符合「文化設施」的定義、並具有「水源保護區」性質,以往文獻對古蹟委外經營制度多所論述,對古蹟兼具水源保護區性質之委外經營案件研究案例較少,本研究利用賽局理論協助政府辦理招商。 本研究利用招商誘因賽局理論,並參考臺北市政府文化局所屬藝文館所案例經營管理現況分析與探討,以委託民間投資經營、促參法BOT及古蹟管理維護單位自行經營三類不同模式經營型態在條件對等下,依「促參BOT標準作業程序–計畫形成階段作業程序」及「公共建設促參預評估檢核表」進行評估,建議古蹟管理維護方案,另本研究依據上述結果,並透過場館特性要因分析、SWOT分析,建議本研究案較適合的委外經營模式。


Taipei city monument waterway System is the first systematic monuments at Taiwan. The monuments comprise the main buildings and the connected channels which are still in use for the monuments up to now. On April 28, 2004, The Taipei City Government first set a domestic precedent of "systematic cultural assets preservation" by the designation as the No. 111 monument of Taipei City. Among them, " The Third Water Source Area of Yangmingshan " and "Sanjiaobu Power Station" are the two areas with the most cultural characteristics of the main buildings and adequate display space which meet the definition of "cultural facilities". Both of them also have a nature as "Water Source Protection Area". In the past, the literatures on the outsourcing management system for monuments are at the stage of discussion only. There are few cases of research on the outsourcing management of monuments within water source protection area. This research utilizes the Game Theory to assist Taipei City Government to handle outsourcing investment. This research utilizes the Game Theory for the outsourcing investment incentive analysis and refers to the analysis and discussion on the current status of operation and management for those art galleries of Department of Cultural Affair, Taipei City Government. The three business models of “Investment and operation by private”; “BOT process per the Act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure”;and “The monuments management and maintenance units to operate their own” have been evaluated via the process of “To promote civil participation in public construction BOT standard operating procedures - the formation stage of the plan” and the assessment tool “The pre-assessment for the promotion civil participation in public construction”. The assessment result will be the recommendation for the operation & maintenance of monuments. Beside above mentioned assessment, this research also conducts the characteristic analysis of the art galleries and the SWOT analysis for the most suitable operation model from outsourcing.


17.黃玉鳳(2000),不同通路結構下最適合作廣告參與率之決策分析,碩士論 文,國立彰化師範大學商業教育學系。
1.Friedman, J. W. (1990). Game theory with applications to economics (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
