  • 學位論文


A Study of Surrogacy Law and Policy in India ─ With Comment on the Amendment Draft of the Assisted Reproduction Act in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王皇玉


代孕形式,依卵子來源不同,可分為借腹型代孕及基因型代孕二種;復依代孕者是否得收取合理費用以外之報酬,可分為商業型代孕與非商業型代孕二種。世界各國是否開放代孕行為,又其欲開放何種形式的代孕行為,每每遭不同因素干涉其政策決定。有因全體社會尚未凝聚共識,或因反對將女性物化為生殖機器而選擇不開放代孕行為者;另有為協助不孕者生育與自己有血緣連結的下一代,而選擇開放代孕行為者。在這當中,我國作為擁有精湛生殖醫療技術的國家之一,自與世界各國面臨同樣的問題:我國是否應開放代孕行為?若欲開放,應採行何種代孕模式? 為解決此一困擾立法者許久的難題,本文首先對世界各國的代孕管制方式進行了鳥瞰式的說明,並以四個分屬不同立場的國家法制作為介紹代表。同時,本文爬梳了代孕行為本身固有的倫理及道德爭議,並點出在代孕法制不備之情形下,不論是在憲法、民事法、刑事法,或是近年我國立法通過的同性婚姻領域,皆會產生許多棘手的爭議。 在比較法上,印度作為開放商業型代孕的亞洲熱門代孕中心,其政府管制代孕行為的一舉一動,均備受國內外研究代孕議題者的關注。而印度在2021年12月立法通過了印度國內第一部代孕專法,為長達二十年的商業型代孕畫上句點,看似終結了多年來印度國內關於「剝削代孕者」、「遺棄代孕子女」的質疑。然在本文的深入剖析之下,可見印度本次的代孕新法立意雖好,但法規中充斥著無數漏洞,無法有效為代孕程序提供可資遵循的規範。而禁止商業型代孕的政策方向,亦將使印度國內現存的商業型代孕產業被推向政府無法管控的地下,劣化代孕者本已搖搖欲墜的社經地位。 回到我國代孕制度的建立上,經過多年的代孕規範議程延宕,立法院終於再次於2020年提出了人工生殖法代孕生殖專章草案,希冀能藉此協助不孕者實現生兒育女的願望。雖本次修正草案與印度代孕新法相同,有許多瑕疵之處需再行修正,然本文考量到,若不開放我國國內代孕行為,勢必將造成國內有需求者須遠赴國外,訂定無保障且多變數的跨國代孕契約。故本文仍建議立法者應盡速通過本次人工生殖法修正草案,以保障國內有志參與代孕行為者。為此,本文亦提出數項現行人工生殖法暨修正草案之修正建議,例如:代孕委託者之資格應放寬至所有具生殖困難的自然人、應取消代孕者終身不得代孕超過三次的總數規定、應取消代孕酬金之上限,並訂定代孕者所得收取酬金的下限等建議,可供相關單位研擬代孕法規時參考。


Depending on the source of the eggs, there are two types of surrogacy, namely: gestational surrogacy and genetic surrogacy. And depending on whether or not the surrogate receives payments more than a reasonable fee, there are also two types of surrogacy: commercial and non-commercial. Different factors interfere with the policy decisions on whether to legalize surrogacy, and what type of surrogacy the countries around the world would like to adopt. There are countries which choose not to legalize surrogacy, for there is no consensus in society as a whole, or, for people who oppose the objectification of women as reproductive machines. Meanwhile, there are countries which choose to legalize surrogacy in order to help infertile people to have their own blood-related children. In this context, Taiwan, as one of the countries with the most advanced reproductive technology, is faced with the same question as the rest of the world: should we legalize surrogacy in our country? If so, what type of surrogacy should be adopted? So as to resolve this difficult issue that has long troubled legislators, this article begins with a general view of the approaches used to regulate surrogacy around the world, portraying four countries’ legal systems with different positions as representatives. Furthermore, this article explores through the ethical and moral controversies inherent in the practice of surrogacy, and points out that the absence of a statute for surrogacy has given rise to many difficult controversies in the areas of constitutional, civil and criminal law, as well as in the area of same-sex marriage which has recently been legislated in Taiwan. In terms of comparative law, India has been a popular Asian commercial surrogacy hub for years, and its government’s actions to regulate surrogacy have been of great interest to those studying surrogacy issues. In December of 2021, India passed the first surrogacy law in the country, bringing an end to commercial surrogacy that has been practiced for more than two decades, and seemingly solving the questions about “exploitation of surrogates” and “abandonment of surrogate children” in the country. However, this article clearly shows that although the new surrogacy law is well-intentioned, it is riddled with numerous loopholes, and has failed to provide an effective framework for the surrogacy process. Moreover, the policy of banning commercial surrogacy will drive the existing commercial surrogacy industry in India to underground beyond the control of the government, and will worsen the already precarious socio-economic status of Indian surrogates. Back to the establishment of the surrogacy law in Taiwan, we can see that after years of delays in the legislations, the Legislative Yuan has finally proposed an amendment draft of the Assisted Reproduction Act in 2020, in hope to help infertile people to fulfill their dream to have their own children. Although the current amendment draft has the same flaws as India’s new surrogacy law that needs to be amended, this article considers that if surrogacy is not legalized in Taiwan, those in need will inevitably have to travel abroad to sign an unprotected and uncertain transnational surrogacy contract. Therefore, this article recommends that the legislator should pass the current amendment draft of the Assisted Reproduction Act as soon as possible to protect those who wish to participate in surrogacy. To complete this goal, this article proposes a number of amendments to the current Assisted Reproduction Act and the amendment draft. For instance, the qualification of the surrogate client should be extended to all natural persons with reproductive difficulties; the requirement that the surrogate should not be a surrogate more than three times in her lifetime should be abolished; the upper limit of surrogate remuneration should be abolished, and the lower limit of remuneration received by the surrogate should be set. Those suggestions can be used as reference for authorities while drafting regulations on surrogacy in the future.


Kaufmann, Arthur(著),劉幸義等(譯)(2000),《法律哲學》,初版,五南。
林昀嫺(2013),《代孕制度公民審議會議:生育自由、身體自主與性別影響》,行政院國家科學委員會 。
