  • 學位論文


Public Journalism: A Viewpoint form Deliberative Democracy

指導教授 : 張錦華


本文意圖藉由文獻分析的策略來順出公共新聞學(public journalism,亦稱公共新聞報導)的理念內涵。公共新聞學乃是一組實踐性新聞理念(practical journalistic ideas),其目的在於希冀藉由重建讀者與社區、讀者與媒體、媒體與社區三方的聯繫(connectedness),從而喚醒居民對於自身公民身份的醒覺以及居民對公共事務的關懷,促其成為公共生活的主體,對生活中的共同問題思辨審議並謀求解決之道,並同時促成社會在公共事務處理上的理性化,讓人們更能理性地、智慧地溝通協商,達成充分的彼此瞭解,涵養同理心,減少社會衝突、對立的發生;並且,藉由 PJ 重建了公民與政治場域間的溝通管道,公民及媒體得以要求政治人物直接面對公民,更為負責地做出每一次的言行舉動。本文並同時處理了公共新聞學所引發的相關爭議。 續之,筆者援引晚近勃興的審議民主理論來對公共新聞學進行檢視,發現公共新聞學儘管也強調公共審議的運作,但仍有諸多疏漏之處,極待改進;但筆者認為不宜因此抹煞公共新聞學促成審議民主理念發展的潛力,而應積極地以嚴謹的審議程序來更新公共新聞學,將其視為落實審議民主的場域,亦是審議民主理論的社會實踐途徑之一。 最後,作為台灣在這方面的初探研究,筆者採取深度訪談的方式來對國內主要報紙主管、資深政治記者進行經驗研究。發現國內報紙主管雖不排斥公共新聞學,但也不願明確接受;資深政治記者們則指出國內政治新聞報導確有諸多弊病,也確有必要推行公共新聞學來改良,但受制於國內特有的社會脈絡及諸多限制,他們對這項新聞改革運動固然充滿期許,但對其成效卻也抱持較為保留的態度。


This study attempts to make clear what the idea of public journalism (PJ) really means. It has no concrete definition or operational rule though, the idea of PJ would contribute to rebuild the “connectedness,” instead of separations, between the media and the citizens, the citizens and the community where they live, as well as the media and the community. In addition, PJ, in effect, embodies the idea of participatory democracy which encourages the citizens to engage in the public affairs, community issues, and social problems in a more active, even deliberative manner. Consequently, the author, using a theoretical viewpoint from deliberative democracy, goes on examining the idea and the practice of PJ. It seems that PJ has several procedural flaws, not consistent with the rigorous norms of deliberative democracy, but we shall not have to pessimistically deem PJ as an obstacle of deliberative democracy; on the contrary, the author tries to renew it with the procedural norms of deliberative democracy so as to make PJ a catalyst for deliberative democracy. Moreover, as an exploratory study on the PJ issue in Taiwan, the author took in-depth interviewing as the method to do an empirical study, by interviewing several key-persons of mainstream newspapers as well as senior reporters on political beats. The result shows that the main papers in Taiwan neither oppose nor assert to take the idea of PJ into practice; at present, profit seems to be their major concern. To those senior reporters, nevertheless, they see the need in Taiwan to have PJ rooted in society, expecting it to transform the existing pattern of political reporting, which excludes the public opinion from the general citizens. Notably, confined to the particular contextual restraints of Taiwan society, though the reporters are looking forward to the experiments of PJ, they don’t lay an optimistic view on how it would work.


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