  • 學位論文


Research on Efficiency Tender for Equipment Procurement

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


著眼於公共工程日益大型化,其所涉及之領域亦愈複雜,不論土建發包或設備採購,在規格之制定上更顯專業,政府採購已非單一「最低價格」就能得到「最低消費最高效能」之目的。 依政府採購法規範之決標方式,現行公共工程辦理採購以競標精神來歸納,可分為「最低標」及「最有利標」兩種;最低標因著重價格競爭機制,廠商為了獲取工程易造成低價搶標現象,在這種惡性循環下,得標廠商基於成本考量,容易影響工程品質,而為社會所詬病。1989年政府採購法頒布實施後,機關發包模式不再只限定最低標,相對於複雜且不宜以最低標決標之工程可以「最有利標」及「異質最低標」模式發包,希藉以遏止低價搶標之歪風。 「最有利標」雖可避免低價搶標之缺點,但如果最有利標評審機制不夠透明、公開,業主本身之素質有落差,評審委員專業程度與操守不足,都在在會影響對標案作正確合理之評價,進而影響比標之結果。所以最有利標模式招標,不論是以直接評分或序位方式選商,其結果亦常受到未得標廠商之質疑,對業主及廠商也不見得是最有利。「異質最低標」雖有初步過濾財務或施工經驗較差之廠商,但其篩選機制若不完備,亦易引起淘汰廠商之抗議。 台灣電力公司依據採購法實行細則第63條在設備採購上採用「效能標」模式辦理發包已實施多年,且有眾多重大採購之成功案例。本研究即蒐集部份成功案例進行資料分析與研討,並對執行「效能標」有成之相關專家進行訪談,就各專家之立場角度,對效能標之規劃、設計、發包、施工做訪談歸納彙整,並進而提出本研究之結論與建議,供業界參考。


最低標 最有利標 效能標 評審機制 訪談


In view of the greater scales of public construction projects nowadays, the fields involved in projects have become more complicated. Regardless of whether the projects are civil construction contracting works or equipment procurements, more professional stipulation of specifications are demanded. In addition, for government procurements, the mere “lowest price” factor can no longer achieve the goal of “minimum consumption with maximum performance.” According to the tender awarding method specified in the regulations of the Government Procurement Act, procurements for current public construction projects can be categorized into two types of “lowest tender” and “most advantageous tender” based on the spirit of competitive tendering: since the lowest tender focuses on the price competition mechanism, the phenomena of competing for tender with low prices likely occurs as companies seek to win the construction tender award. Under such a vicious cycle, due to the cost concerns, the tender awarded company is likely to produce works affecting the quality of the construction, and such issue has become a condemnation by the social public. After the announcement and implementation of the Government Procurement Act in 1989, the contracting models adopted by agencies are no longer restricted to the lowest tender. In addition, construction projects that are relatively complicated and unsuitable to the use of the lowest tender for the tender award may use the models of the “most advantageous tender” and the “lowest tender with different quality” for contracting works in light of prohibiting the unhealthy tendency of competing for tender with low price. The “most advantageous tender” is able to overcome the drawback of competing for tender at low price. However, if the evaluation mechanism for the most advantageous tender suffers from insufficient transparency or openness, poor qualities of the owner itself, inadequate professional levels and integrity of the examination committees would all affect accurate and reasonable assessments conducted on the tender, which would in turn affect the result of the tender comparison. Therefore, when the most advantageous tender model is used for tender invitation, regardless of whether it adopts the method of a direct score evaluation or the method of sequential order to select the contracting party, the result is still often questioned by the party not being awarded for the tender. This may too not be the most advantageous action for both the owner and the contracting party. The “lowest tender with different quality” is able to give a preliminary filter of companies of poorer financial status or construction experience. However, if its selection mechanism is still not thorough, it would still likely to be objected by the eliminated companies. The Taiwan Power Company has adopted the model of “Efficiency tender” according to Article 63 of the Enforcement Rules of the Government Procurement Act in the practice of contracting works for years, and there are numerous successful cases of procurement projects. This research aimed to collect a portion of the successful cases for data analysis and studies. In addition, interviews are conducted with relevant experts with successful experience in the execution of the “Efficiency tender” such that the perspectives of all experts are considered along with the organization and summarization on the interview contents related to planning, design, contracting and construction. Consequently, conclusions and recommendations of this research are proposed for industrial reference.


