  • 學位論文


China Macroeconomic Indicators, Taiwan’s Export and Market Value

指導教授 : 毛慶生


本論文主旨探討中國總體經濟指標是否會對台灣出口貿易成長及上市公司市場價值有顯著的影響效果,採用五個重要的中國總體經濟指標,包含中國採購經理人指數、中國出口貿易成長率、中國IPI工業指數成長率、上海綜合指數變動率及人民幣兌換美元變動率進行實證分析。然而因為中國只是台灣出口貿易的主要國家之一,本論文也控制美國市場對台灣的影響效果,控制變數包含美國實質GDP成長率以及美國聯邦資金利率。本論文收集上述變數進行實證分析,研究期間設定為2006年1月至2015年12月,涵蓋120個月資料,我們利用許多時間序列方法進行實證分析,包含單根檢定、VAR模型、Granger因果關係檢定法、衝擊反應分析與預測誤差變異分解。實證結果歸納有如下幾點: (一) 由VAR模型可知,我們發現台灣出口貿易成長以及台灣公司價值變動率會受到中國採購經理人指數成長率及中國IPI工業指數成長率顯著的影響;台灣公司價值變動率會受到人民幣兌換美元變動率微弱的影響;美國實質GDP成長率會顯著影響台灣出口貿易成長。 (二) Granger因果關係檢定的部分,我們發現中國採購經理人指數成長率、中國IPI工業指數成長率與台灣出口貿易成長率都具有雙向因果關係,而且中國採購經理人指數成長率與中國IPI工業指數成長率之過去訊息對台灣出口貿易成長率的影響效果較顯著。因此我們發現中國總體經濟指標的資訊會領先於台灣出口的資訊。 (三) 在衝擊反應函數部分,我們發現中國採購經理人指數成長率以及中國IPI工業指數成長率對台灣出口成長率及台灣公司價值的變動率有較為短期的衝擊效果,長期是不明顯的。 (四) 在預測誤差變異分解部分,各變數對於本身都有很高的解釋變異比例。對於台灣出口成長率,我們發現中國採購經理人指數成長率解釋比例最高約為12.83%,其次為中國IPI工業指數成長率解釋比例約為5.78%;對於台灣公司價值變動率,台灣出口成長率的解釋比例約為5.77%,中國採購經理人指數成長率的解釋比例約為2.15%,人民幣兌換美元變動率解釋比例約為2.44%。 綜合上述實證結果,本論文認為中國經濟指標會顯著影響台灣出口貿易成長以及公司市場價值,尤其是中國採購經理人指數成長率及中國IPI工業指數成長率。這兩個指標也許可以做為未來預測台灣出口貿易成長以及公司市場價值參考依據。 關鍵詞:中國總體經濟;台灣出口成長;公司市場價值。


We examine whether China's economic indicators will have a significant impact on the growth of Taiwan's export and the market value. We use five major China's economic indicators, including the China purchasing managers' index, China's export growth rate, China's IPI industry index, Shanghai composite index, and RMB/US exchange rate to carry out empirical analysis. We also control the effect of US market impacted on growth of export and the market value. The control variables are real GDP growth rate and federal funds rate. This study period was set from January 2006 to December 2015. We use a number of time series approach for empirical analysis, including unit root test, vector autoregression model, Granger causality test, impulse- response function and variance decomposition. The empirical results are summarized as follows: 1. From the VAR model, we find that the growth of Taiwan's export and the change rate of market value will be affected by the growth rate of China's purchasing managers and China's IPI industry index. The change of market value will be affected by RMB/US exchange rate. In control variables, the growth rate of US real GDP will significantly affect the growth of Taiwan's export. 2. The result of Granger causality test, we find that China's purchasing managers' index, China IPI industry index and the growth of Taiwan's export have feedback causal relationship. However, the effect of China's purchasing managers’ index and China IPI industry index on the growth of Taiwan's export is more significant than other China's economic indicators. 3. In the part of impulse-response function, we find that the China's purchasing managers’ index and China's IPI industry index have a short-term impact on the growth of Taiwan's export and the market value, which is not obvious for a long -term impact. 4. The result of variance decomposition, we find that the growth of Taiwan's export is explained by China's purchasing managers' index is about 12.83%, followed by China's IPI industry index of about 5.78%. The market value is explained by the growth Taiwan's export is about 5.77%, the proportion of China's purchasing managers' index is about 2.15%, and the RMB/US exchange rate is about 2.44%. Based on the above empirical results, this paper finds that China's macroeconomic indicators will significantly affect the growth of Taiwan's export and the market value, especially PMI and IPI. These two indicators may be used as a reference for predicting the growth of Taiwan's export and the market value. Keywords: China's economic indicators; Growth of Taiwan's export; Market value.


