  • 學位論文


How Would LTE-V Modify Taiwan ITS Picture-with a case of Traffic Signal Timing Plan

指導教授 : 張堂賢


隨著科技的進步,無線通訊技術以及網際網絡的提升使得資訊的傳輸成本大幅降低。同時,硬體設施也在技術的進步下越來越精良。傳統的交通量量測往往透過大量的人力去做計算,即便是科技如此進步的現今,透過影像處理可以進行大量的交通量資訊,但是仍然耗費著大量的人力以及硬體設施的成本。 新的科技的引進,對於舊的科技未必是一種取代,可能是共生共存的世代,相輔相成分工合作將會是未來不可或缺的元素之一。近十年研究推動以DSRC為車車及車路整合的重大基礎,現今可能會因具有與手機相容的LTE-V出現,將可能改寫ITS的面貌,透過新的通訊方式,可以減少更多的障礙,更快的將LTE-V佈及至大眾個人化。 由於十年藍圖裡探討的部分過於廣大,本研究透過探討LTE-V以及路口延滯公式,將傳統以車為本的號誌時制計算方式轉換成以人為本,去比較不同延滯時間下綠燈秒數在同週期分配的狀況的差異。最後可知當路口的人數組成比例若與交通組成比例相同,綠燈時間則不會改變。若差異越大,則綠燈時間的變動也會更大。


LTE-V V2X Adaptive Control Synchro Webster


With the advance in technology, wireless communications and the upgrading of the Internet makes the transmission of information costs significantly reduced. At the same time, hardware facilities are also more sophisticated. Traditional traffic measurement is often done through a lot of manpower, even if the technology is so advanced, through the image processing can acquire a lot of traffic information, but still cost a lot of costs. The introduction of new technology, substitution are not necessary,it may be a symbiotic coexistence generation, complement from each other will be one of the elements for the future. Over the past decade, lots of research ahve been devoted to DSRC and its' infrastructure. Nowadays, with the mobile phone-compatible LTE-V, it will rewrite the appearance of ITS.Through new forms of communication, we are able to reduce obstacles, spread this new technology to the public. The discussion of ITS Decade Blueprint is too broad, we discuss the LTE-V and the intersection delay formula, and convert the traditional vehicle-based delay calculation method into people-oriented in order to compare the number of green lights in different delay time. Finally, we can see that if the proportion of the passenger composition of the intersection and the proportion of traffic are the same, green time will not change. If the difference is greater, the green time will change even more.


LTE-V V2X Adaptive Control Synchro Webster


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