  • 學位論文


Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Simulating the Coupling between Localized Surface Plasmon of Au Nanorods

指導教授 : 蔡定平


外加入射光與奈米金棒間的交互震盪可以驅動金屬表面的自由電子作群集震盪,此即為表面電漿震盪(Surface plasmon resonance ,SPR)。 本論文以三維的時域有限差分法做為工具,選擇Drude-Critical Point色散模型來模擬金屬,並使用卷積完美匹配層作為相對應的吸收邊界,以頻譜分析在不同排列方式下奈米金棒的耦合情形,針對其模態對應波長之紅藍移現象進行討論與解釋。


The interaction between Au nanorods and incident light will drive free electrons to vibrate collectively on metallic surface . The phenomenon is called Surface plasmon resonance (SPR). In this thesis, Our simulation tool is three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain(3D FDTD) method, combined with Drude-critical point(Drude-CP) model for metal dispersion and convolutional perfectly matched layer(CPML) for absorbing layer. We analyze the spectral characteristic in coupled gold nanorods with different arragements, and then the explanations of the shifts of LSPR wavelength for different arrangements are presented.


nano optics LSPR FDTD au nanorod


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