  • 學位論文


Structuring Census and Administrative Divisions of Taiwan in Japanese Colonial Period: A Historical GIS Perspective

指導教授 : 賴進貴


欲進行歷史GIS 研究,第一步往往是重建當時的行政區域,再結合當時統計資料。若以臺灣日治時期而言,最關鍵的問題是缺乏可供運用的古地圖。以特定時間繪製成的地圖,僅能呈現當時的空間資訊,不見得適合其他時期使用,這點在日治時期的基礎統計單位:街庄、大字尤為明顯。 本研究指出運用臺灣總督府公文類纂附圖,由於為第一級文獻並有相當高的精確度,可有助於重建當時行政區劃,並可利用GIS,進行數化、地理定位後,予以呈現或分析。


To research in Historical GIS, the first step is constructing the historical administrative boundaries, and then joins them with census data. However, the lack of old maps often makes historical researchers hard to achieve that goals. The maps provided special information at that time only. By contrast, the change of boundaries is successive, especially for basic census area in Taiwan under Japanese rule: Ōaza or Gai/Shō fomerly. This paper indicates that we could construct the historical administrative boundaries with maps form official documents in Taiwan Government-General, which are primary sources and accurate enough. We digitalize and geoprocess those maps in packaged GIS software to construct boundaries, and have ability to present and analysis historical data after joining with them .


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