  • 學位論文


The Research Construction of Private After-school Childcare Teachers’ Professional Competence Indicators

指導教授 : 顧大維


在國內緊湊的升學壓力下,忙碌的課後輔導活動,儼然已成為每位學童課後的行程表之一,而現代家長工作繁忙,無法在課後接送學童及輔導學校功課,因此課後托育輔導便產生。而課後托育中心主要成功因素,在於是否可符合家長的要求。而優良的教師及專業輔導,也成為家長選擇的重要條件。因此如何永續經營,關鍵在於教師的專業化培養。 國內對於公立學校教師,有一套明確指標導引教師專業性的培養,但反觀私立課後托育教師,卻無明確指標及評量,指引出托育教師應具有的專業性。本研究目的在於研究出適用於私立課後托育教師專業能力的指標系統,讓托育教師工作內容應該具備的專業,藉由指標更清楚教師專業重要性。藉由文獻探討,彙整出研究問題,課後托育教師的專業能力指標為何以及如何使用及評鑑專業能力指標,綜合課後托育教師能力建構內涵之文獻,研究者整理出課後托育教師專業性須具備「管理、輔導、教學、專業、人格行為」等五個層面指標,各項能力指標加以統整及分類,形成課後托育教師專業能力指標初步內涵。 本研究採用修正式德懷術為研究方法,並進行三回合的問卷調查。以供本研究以驗證教師專業性的依據。


There are no clear indicators to guide the professionalism that domestic private after-school childcare teachers should possess. This study was committed to develop a set of indicators system imbued with complete structure and suitable for childcare teachers’ professional competence so as to convert the professionalism that childcare teachers should possess into clear and understandable indicators. Operators can also take this professional competence indicator as reference for the standard of future teacher evaluation and improve cram schools’ teaching quality and reputation. Research questions were compiled through literature review, that is, why and how after-school childcare teachers’ professional competence indicators use and evaluate professional competence indicators. Integrating the literature of after-school childcare teachers’ competence construction connotation, researchers sorted out five-level professionalism indicators that after-school childcare teachers must possess, namely, “management, counseling, teaching, professionalism and personal behavior”. The preliminary connotation of after-school childcare teachers’ professional competence indicators was formed after each competence indicator was integrated and classified as shown in the picture. The study adopted modified Delphi technique as the study method and developed the first round of questionnaire through the literature. And the first group of experts was invited to conduct topics discussion and correction for the first time according to the questionnaire; the corrected one was the second round of the questionnaire topics and was re-released in the second round. After the opinions of various experts, childcare teachers and childcare institutions operators were integrated, the third round of the questionnaire framework was compiled for this study to verify the basis of teachers’ professionalism.


林清章(2012) 。幼兒園教師專業能力指標之建構。幼兒教保研究期刊,8,53-79。
