  • 學位論文


Study of a Four-Link Robot

指導教授 : 楊智旭


本論文是設計及製作一個由三個五相步進馬達及四節等長機構所組成的機器人,主要以探討四節機器人的自我平衡垂直站立與爬行運動控制及實現,首先於個人電腦(PC)設計四節機器人的平衡垂直站立與爬行運動路徑規劃,再利用類神經網路訓練與模糊系統的控制使其完成各項指定動作。硬體方面包含機構設計、馬達、傾斜計、電路配線、類比/數位(A/D)介面卡及通訊介面的製作,在平衡垂直站立運動中以零力矩點(Zero Moment Point, ZMP)理論來計算機器人的重心,以此來判斷機器人之平衡情形,另外在爬行運動中以機器人的摩擦力為模糊控制的設計參數,利用各馬達之目標角度及速度來設計模糊控制器,經由PC運算後下達運動命令給馬達,修正其速度以實現平衡垂直站立或爬行的動作。另外在四節機器人的底部(第一節)裝設傾斜計,經由類比/數位(A/D)透過串並列通訊控制埠(RS232)傳達數據資料,所量測的角度作為站立成功與否的重要依據。經實驗驗證,四節機器人能夠完成平衡垂直站立及爬行動作的具體實現。


This objective of this thesis is to develop a four-link robot to stand up vertically and stablly, and to craw on a flat surface smoothly. The robot is composed of three five-phases stepping motors, four equal-length linkages and a tilt sensor. The hardware of this system includes mechanism part, a sensor, a electrical circuit, A/D, I/O interface, stepping motors, motor drivers, and a PC. First, the sequence of standing and crawling behaviors of this robot is designed and assigned by a developed software program in a PC. The artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy algorithm are applied to develop the standing and crawling controller for the robot. In the standing processes, the center of gravity(COG) of this robot is calculated by the developed software program in a PC. The position of the COG is an important factor to determine the stability of the standing robot by the ZMP method. In the crawling processes, the friction forces between the links and ground are calculated to determine the sequence of dynamic behaviors by a fuzzy controller. Then, the robot links are driven by the corresponding motors to display its dynamic behaviors step by step automatically. Form the experimental results, the developed robot is able to stand up vertically and stablly, and craw smoothly either on a horizontal flat surface or on a inclined plane (±2°).


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