  • 學位論文


Preparation of UV-sensitive Chitosan and Its UV Cure with PEGDMA

指導教授 : 董崇民




In this study, an UV-sensitive of chitosan was prepared by reaction with cinnamoyl chloride. The prepared UV-sensitive chitosan was then crosslinked with polyethylene glycol dimethyl acrylate(PEGDMA) without using any photo-initiator. Firstly, chitosan was dissolved in methanesulfonic acid followed by the addition of cinnamoyl chloride. The reaction was carried out in an ice-water bath to produce cinnamoyl chitosan. Secondly, cinnamoyl chitosan was dissolved in formic acid followed by the addition of PEGDMA. CS-g-PEG graft copolymers were obtained after UV-irradiation. EA and FTIR were used to analyze the chemical structures of graft copolymers. TGA and DMA were employed to measure the thermal properties of the prepared copolymers.


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