  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Elementary School Students Learning to Read and Write with English Informational Books

指導教授 : 林文韵


本研究旨在探究以「K-W-L策略」、「互動式大聲朗讀策略」、「字彙教學策略」與「書寫重述策略」協助學童以英文知識性讀物學習讀寫之教學歷程及學童對K-W-L策略、互動式大聲朗讀策略、字彙教學策略與書寫重述策略之回應。 本研究採個案研究法,實施為期十天的夏令營課程,研究對象為臺北縣淡水鎮某國小十二位二年級到六年級的學童。研究設計以英文知識性讀物《Sea Creatures》為主要學習文本,輔以主題群書為學習資源,課程內容以讀物中五種海洋生物-「企鵝、鯨豚、海馬、海星與鯊魚」為單元主題,設計讀寫學習活動並以四種教學策略協助學童學習讀寫。研究者深入教學現場,進行教學、觀察、錄影、拍照、訪談、問卷調查與教學省思,並記錄學童言談、學習行為、學習表現與學習回應等參與情形並對應文獻理論。同時以家長問卷、學童問卷、學童課堂筆記、學童書寫作品與觀察評量表,做為研究工具,輔以前後測之實施,深度描述並討論教學歷程中的研究發現。 研究結果發現,K-W-L策略能喚起學童對主題的先備知識、促進提問並進而引發閱讀興趣,而回顧K與W活動能讓學童持續建構並修正知識。互動式大聲朗讀策略能增進同儕分享並吸收新知、教師的提問能協助學童以英文書寫且促進學童主動讀寫。字彙教學策略能增進學童利用新舊字彙進行英文書寫,並建構字意,促進閱讀理解。書寫重述策略能促進學童分享、主動讀寫說明性文體。 最後,本研究提出四種教學策略之教學原則、實施方式、教學省思與建議,學童對四種教學策略與讀物的回應,以及本研究對學童英文讀寫學習之正向影響,作為研究者與小學英文教師之教學參考。


This paper presents a case study of students learning to read and write with English informational books through four instructional strategies in a school in Taipei County. The goal of the research is to explore the teaching process of assisting students in learning to read and write with English informational books through K-W-L strategy, interactive read-aloud strategy, vocabulary instructional strategy and written retelling strategy. Furthermore, the research also explores students’ responses to K-W-L strategy, interactive read-aloud strategy, vocabulary instructional strategy and written retelling strategy. In this study, we found that K-W-L strategy can evoke student's prior knowledge to the theme, promote students asking questions that inspire their interests in reading, revisit what students wrote in K and W activities that help they reconstruct and modify their knowledge continuously. Interactive read-aloud strategy can help peers share what they know that help the others learn new things and teacher's questioning can assist students to read and write in English spontaneously. Vocabulary instructional strategy can help students to write in English and to construct the meanings of the new words to increase their reading comprehension. Written retelling strategy can promote students to share, read, write spontaneously and acquire expository text.


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