  • 學位論文


A Study on the Marketing in Insurance Industry of Taiwan -- A Case of Insurance Marketing by Television

指導教授 : 林麗銖


隨著國人保險知識的普及、生活水準的提升、媒體資訊多元化的發展,保險市場上之競爭可說是愈來愈激烈,從傳統的業務員與經代人的人員拜訪形式發展到今的銀行保代、網路行銷、電話行銷、DM行銷、電視行銷……等新型態保險通路之誕生,保險業者無不絞盡腦汁找尋最適合發展的保險通路以爭取業績的成長,追求企業獲利的目標。而電視行銷保險相關研究付之闕如,因此本研究因應而生。 本研究採用的方式為深入訪談與問卷調查,深入訪談部分發展出二十個命題,並利用波特五力分析與SWOT分析了解個案公司有何優劣勢存在;問卷調查部分共發出800份問卷,有效問卷為680份,利用SPSS軟體將五項生活型態因素將受訪者區分為三個集群,分別為「價格敏感型」、「穩健享受型」、「保守依賴型」,並針對虛無假設做相關檢定,最後再根據所得的結論,分別對主管機關、電視行銷保險業者、保險公司與消費者提出相關建議而完成本論文。


Along with popularization of people's insurance knowledge, the level of living promotion, the media information multiplication development , the competition in the insurance market is increasingly intense. And the visiting form develops from the traditional salesman and agents to new forms like insurance agents of bank ,the network marketing ,the telephone marketing ,the DM marketing ,the television marketing nowadays ...... and so on. Starting ofinsurance marketing ,the insurers rack the their brains to find insurance marketing which is most suitable to develop to strive for the growth of business and pursue the goal of business profit. But the researches about the television marketing insurance are lacking. Therefore , we do this reaserch. This research uses the way for thorough visiting and the questionnaire survey. Thorough visiting displays 20 propositions , and using the Porter's Five Competitive Forces Model and the SWOT analysis to know what advantages and shortcomings in companies of our cases ; the questionnaire survey altogether sends out 800 volumes , and effective volume is 680.Then Using the SPSS software to divides into three groups with five living condition factors ,respectively is "the price sensitiveness " ,"steady enjoying" , and "the conservative dependence". And focus the null hypothesis to make the correlation test.Finally ,according to the obtained conclusion ,we provide the controlling organization ,the insurers of television marketing ,the insurance companies and the consumers with some suggestions and complete this paper.


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