  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Study of Work-Related Stress and Coping Strategies among Elementary School Teachers: A Case Study of an Elementary School in Taipei

指導教授 : 黃琛瑜


本研究之目的在瞭解台北市國小教師在從事教學工作時,所知覺到的工作壓力、面對壓力時所採取的因應策略以及探討教師不同背景變項與工作壓力、因應策略間的關係。本研究採取質性研究半結構性訪談方式蒐集資料,並透過立意取樣,以台北市一所國小九位現任教師作為訪談對象。研究結果如下: 首先,本研究以工作負荷、人際關係、行政支持,與學生行為等四大向度來了解國小教師的工作壓力,經過訪談後,研究者發現以上四種工作壓力源,由於大環境的變化,使得教師原有的工作因家長勢力的介入、教育局的創新業務、校長的強勢領導、行政人員消極的工作態度、校內錯綜複雜的人際關係,以及學生多數自我意識高張等因素,產生很大的變化,難度比以往增加許多。 其次,從受訪教師口中得知:在面對工作壓力時,多數教師都會使用解決問題、尋求支持、延宕逃避,以及自我調適等四種因應策略來紓解壓力,訪談結果與之前研究者根據過去國內壓力因應策略的相關研究所作的歸納假設相符合。 再其次,本研究探討了不同的師資背景變項與工作壓力的關係,七個背景變項都沒有出現一致性的結論,只能說多數受訪教師認為在性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、任教年資,以及擔任職務等五種變項和工作壓力是有相關的。另外,多數受訪教師認為學歷高低與工作壓力無關。唯有教師是否是教育相關科系畢業與工作壓力的關係上,受訪教師的答案眾說紛紜而已。 再者,本研究探討七個不同的師資背景變項與因應策略的關係,七個背景變項只有任教年資出現一致性的結論,學歷部分即使有一位老師認為在特教領域,相關學歷愈高對壓力因應愈有利之外,同時也認為在國小其他領域中,學歷高低與因應策略無關。還有,多數受訪教師也認為年齡、是否是教育相關科系畢業和因應策略無關。此外,多數受訪教師認為在性別、婚姻狀況,以及擔任職務等三種變項和因應策略是有相關的。 最後,依據研究結果提供多項建議,教育行政機關、學校行政單位、教師個人以及未來研究參考。 關鍵字:國小教師、工作壓力、因應策略


The purpose of this study is to understand the work stress that elementary school teachers in Taipei city undergo while teaching, the coping strategies, and the relationship among pressure, strategies and teachers with different backgrounds. This study adopts qualitative semi-structured interviews to collect data, and through the purposive sampling of nine current elementary school teachers in Taipei city. The results are as follows: Firstly, based on the interview with four dimensions: workload, interpersonal relationship, administrative support, and student behavior to understand the work stress of elementary school teachers, the researcher finds the source of pressure above altered drastically due to changes in teaching environment. The involvement of parents, the innovative business of Department of Education, the strong leadership of principal, passive work attitude of administrators, complex interpersonal relationships in school, as well as ego-centered awareness among most of the students, and etc., had increased the difficulty of teaching than that in the past. Secondly, from the results the interviewed teachers revealed, the majority of teachers will try to relieve work stress via numerous coping strategies: solving problems, seeking for supports, avoiding problems, and adjusting themselves for instance. The results of interview cohered with the induction hypothesis the researcher had made upon related study in stress coping strategies in Taiwan. Thirdly, this study explores the relationship between different teacher background variables and work stress. However, the conclusion of seven background variables scatters. That is to say, most of the teacher interviewed agreed that gender, age, marital status, years of teaching, as well as position ones hold are associated with work stress, but not the education level. However, they hold different opinions on the connection between teacher with teaching-related academic background and work stress. Lastly, this study investigates the relationship between seven different teacher background variables and coping strategies. Among the variables only years of teaching reaches a consistent conclusion. One interviewed teacher states only in the field of special education higher education level is more favorable to the stress coping strategies. In addition, the majority of teachers also stand that age and teaching-related academic background are irrelevant to coping strategies but gender, marital status, and position ones hold are relevant. In conclusion, a number of suggestions based on research results are made to educational administration, school administrative units, and individual teachers for the purpose of further research.




