  • 學位論文


A Research of Applying E-Picture Book in English Project-Based Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 張瓊穗


全世界在資訊科技發展快速的衝擊之下,對於數位原生代的學童而言生活中總是受到多媒體影音聲光效果的刺激,對於傳統上對下的單向式英語教學已失去了興趣,導致學生學習態度低落且成效不彰。為了提升學生學習動機並展現好的學習態度進而能達到良好的學習成效,教師應運用資訊科技與創新的教學活動,使學生展現資訊能力之外也能搭配英語學科領域進行統整學習,讓語言的學習更有意義也更為均衡。 因此,本研究旨在透過行動研究,針對國小高年級學童資優資源班課程規畫十八週的英語電子繪本專題教學,希望透過系統化教學設計設計出合適的教材,將英語電子繪本專題融入資優班專題課程中以進行創新教學並讓學生產出專題成品。研究者於實施過程中特別觀察小組合作溝通情形、對專題學習的學習態度、以及學生英文閱讀與寫作之學習歷程表現,並蒐集學生與專家教師之意見回饋、教學省思等,依此修正教學策略以獲得研究結果及提出相關建議。 研究結果顯示,設計合適的英語電子繪本教材以及教學活動能夠逐步提升學習者的英語文學習動機進而展現正向的學習態度,而電子繪本結合圖、文與聲音的特性能引起學生更多注意力與互動;學童參與英語電子繪本專題學習的小組合作過程中不斷溝通並分享意見,學習彼此優點並建構出專屬的知識與技能,一起解決學習過程遇到的問題能讓所學的知識更有意義;學習表現方面,本研究專題課程除了能持續加強學習者的資訊應用技能與英語聽、說技能之外,更能提升其英文閱讀理解及寫作表現,讓英語文聽、說、讀、寫等能力更均衡。針對教師教學專業成長方面,專題式導向學習的課程設計需展現教師足夠的專業知識與技能才能引導學生完成任務,也需要根據學生學習狀況隨時進行教學上的修整與調整,此過程對於教師而言即能達成教學專業成長之目標。


The world is under the impact of rapid development of informational technology. Digital native generation’s life is always affected by the multimedia sight and sound stimulations. They have lost interest in traditional one-way English teaching method, so they show low learning attitude and ineffective learning outcomes on English learning. In order to enhance students' motivation and attitude towards English, and thus achieve good learning outcomes, teachers should use informational technology and innovative teaching and learning activities. Researcher gives opportunities to students to show their capacity for using information within English learning. Thus, English learning would be more meaningful and more balanced to them. Therefore, this action research aims to plan an English e-picture book PBL course for 5th grade students within 18 weeks. Researcher integrates English e-picture book into this course and designs appropriate teaching materials through systematic instructional design process for creative teaching and allows students to produce their own e-picture book project. In the implementation process, researcher observes the communication between team members, students’ learning attitude towards this project-based learning and the learning process of students' English reading and writing performance. And then collects the feedbacks from students and expert teacher and researcher’s self-reflections to adjust the instructional design or strategies to obtain the research results and relevant recommendations. The results show that the design of appropriate e-picture book as the English teaching materials and teaching activities can gradually increase the learners' English learning motivation. Students show positive attitude towards PBL course. Especially e-picture books combined with many pictures, text and sound characteristics can cause students more attention and interaction on it. The students involved in the process of group works in the project course constantly communicate with the group members, share their ideas, learn from other’s advantages and construct their own knowledge and skills. They work together to solve problems encountered in the learning process allows their knowledge get more meaningful. When it comes to learning performance, this English e-picture book project-based course can continue to strengthen the learners’ IT application skills, English specking and listening skills. It can also enhance their English reading comprehension and writing performance, thus their English four skills would be more balanced. Finally, for the matter of teacher's professional development, project-based learning curriculum design makes teachers to show their adequate professional knowledge and skills in order to guide students to complete the task. They also need to adjust their teaching according to students' learning conditions at any time. This process let teachers achieve the goal of teaching professional growth.




