  • 學位論文


U.S. Urban Ghetto and City Management-A Case Study of South Bronx in New York City

指導教授 : 紀舜傑


都市發展過程中,郊區化現象為城市的衰敗的開端。紐約市的繁華與衰敗其距離僅僅幾條街而已,這樣的天差地別,主要由於紐約市政府關於都市更新計畫一連串的決策失誤所導致,南布朗區成為這失誤下的犧牲品。由於人口大量外移與當時租金管制政策,使得蓄意縱火案頻傳,加上經濟條件欠佳的外來移民人口劇增,讓社區除了在經濟條件上失利外,建築物的衰敗更是南布朗區背起貧民區惡名的開端,它成為全紐約市最貧窮的一個地區。 除了貧窮與犯罪問題,南布朗區也因政治地位低落,讓紐約市的廢物處理廠幾乎聚集於此地。各種污染源遍佈於社區周圍,社區居民卻得承載這些過多的環境汙染。於70年代末期,當地居民開始產生自覺並展開抗爭行動,這些捍衛環境的一連串行動,稱之為「環境正義」。這些由社區居民所組成的非政府組織日漸茁壯,除了引領環保議題使政府與外人重新審視社區外,還將社區的全面發展為使命。這些非政府組織在多年的努力下,現在的南布朗區與當初如廢墟般的荒涼狀態有了扭轉,正是本文所要探討其中的變化。 本文以政府、居民、非政府組織這三大要素為軸來敘述。說明這三者的態度是如何由抗爭、轉換、妥協與合作的過程,來達到改造貧民區的目的。


The ghetto appeared on the metropolitan New York city was mainly caused by a series of decision mistakes of urban renewal project led by New York government. That's the main reason behind the ghetto situation centered on the South Bronx area. Mass people emigration and rent control policy make the ghetto situation of the South Bronx worse, which also makes it be the poorest district. In addition to poverty and crime problem, New York City's waste treatment plants are almost located here because of South Brown’s low political status. The residents have to suffer from much pollution. In the late 70s, local residents’ self-empowerment was stronger, they began doing protest actions. This series of actions defending the environment are called "environmental justice. Those non-governmental organizations formed by community residents increasingly robust. In addition to environmental issues, they not only led the government and the outsiders re-examine the community but also are the comprehensive development of the community for the mission. These non-governmental organizations’ effort during these years make the South Brown changed, which will be discussed in the paper. The thesis in this paper is the government, residents, and non-governmental organizations, which describe how their attitude changes. Though the process of struggling, transforming, compromising, and cooperating, the struggle, this district achieves the ghetto upgrading.


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