  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Contemporary Chinese Naval Development:Late Qing Navy and Modern PLA Navy

指導教授 : 黃介正


中國雖自古即有海上的活動,但綜觀中國歷史,有鑒於朝貢體系及游牧民族的威脅,中國甚少利用海洋對外興兵,中國絕大多數的水面作戰經驗以及活動範圍也僅在內河或是湖泊。西元1840年鴉片戰爭後,由東南沿海全面也有計畫性入侵的西方列強使得清朝開始重視海防的重要。1874年日本侵犯台灣後,清朝內部在經過海防與邊防激烈的辯論後,1875年決定採取東則海防,西則邊防,兩者並重的戰略思想。海防的重要性第一次與邊防站在同一層級上。雖然清朝對於西北的關注仍未減低,但也開始全面籌組西式現代化海軍,其中以北洋海軍獲得清政府最多的關注,一度成為東亞第一海軍。 中共建政之初,一度希望能打造出及一支保衛沿海沿江的海軍。但隨著國際環境的胚變,以及蘇聯在中國西北邊境駐軍的強大壓力下,造成中共海軍建軍長時期的排擠。當鄧小平上台後,以現代化發展為中共的基本國策後,再加上對美及對蘇方面間關係的和緩,中共於1985年開始逐漸捨棄毛澤東傳統人民戰爭的戰略指導,重新審視中共海軍在國防上的角色。隨著東南沿海地區大規模開發,精華地段東移,加之出口導向的產業結構,使中共逐漸將焦點放在如何擴大東海沿海的防禦縱深,以確保東南精華地區的安全以及海洋權力的運用。劉華清出任中共海軍司令員,提出近海防禦的方針以因應中共國防戰略,也確立至今中共海軍現代化發展的方向。 由於清朝北洋海軍從開始建軍到覆滅的時間剛好20年,而1985年中共海軍得以脫離陸軍的從屬地位,至今也已27年。本論文企圖指出,再經過了一百餘年的分隔,雖然是不同的政治體制但是卻仍有相同的文化背景下,清朝北洋海軍以及中共海軍在建軍的背景、歷程上仍有著不少相同之處,但是由於所處的國際環境、安全威脅以及國內環境的不同,也使得清朝與中共在面對海軍建軍的態度上也有所差異,造成兩者間在發展上的分歧。


China has maritime actions since ancient times. However, from the point of view of China’s history, China rarely wage a war by ocean because of the tributary system and the threat of nomadic people. Most China’s surface warfare experience and area only happened in inland-river or lake. After First Opium War in 1840, western powers plan to invaded southeast china, the Qing Dynasty began to hence the defense of ocean. ( attach importance to maritime defense) After 1874 Japan invaded Taiwan, Qing government officials made some intense debates about coast defense and border defense. The following year Qing government decided to make coast defense and border defense are same important national defense as strategy thinking, that are maritime defense in east, border defense in west. The importance of coastal and border defense were first time identical. Qing government still concerned the Northwest, but began to organize modern western-style navy, among Late Qing Navy got the most attention from Qing government, once became the best navy in East Asia. In the beginning of CCP(Chinese Communist Party) created, it expect to build a navy to protect the area coastal and riverside. As a result of the change of international environment and the pressure that Soviet Union (USSR) garrisoned in China’s north-west frontier, the developing of PLA navy was pushed out for a long time. After Deng Xiaoping being the leader of CCP, modernization was the main national policy of CCP, and kept the moderate relationship with United States and Soviet Union, from 1985 CCP started to abort Mao Zedong’ strategic guidance that is traditional people’s war, reexamined position of PLA navy in nation defense. With the large-scale development in southeastern coastal areas of China and export-oriented industrial structure, CCP gradually attach importance to how expand the defense in southeastern coastal areas to make safety and using ocean power. Liu Huaqing was the Commander of Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy, he advanced near coast defensive strategy as CCP’s national defense strategy and defined the direction of PLA navy modern developing. Due to Navy of Late Qing Dynasty from the beginning to end took 20 years, and in 1985 PLA navy had escaped the subordination from army, till now it takes 27 years. The thesis indicate that although difference of 100 years, the background to start and process of Navy of Late Qing Dynasty and PLA navy are quite the same with different political system and same cultural background. Since different international environment, security threats, and domestic environment, Qing Dynasty and CCP’s attitude in develop of the navy are different, resulting the development of both are different.


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