  • 學位論文


The factors that affect customers’purchasing intentions toward bancassurance products-Analyzed by the aspects of involvement and service quality.

指導教授 : 林谷峻


隨著金融整合時代的來臨,一次購足的消費概念亦逐漸興起,將銀行、保險、證券、信託等所有金融商品整合,提供給消費者全方位的金融服務,實為銀行及保險公司積極發展與搶食之領域。且以民國九十八年度壽險業首年度總保費收入而言,銀行通路所占比率已逾六成,足見銀行保險實為一重要之經營領域;也因此,若能瞭解影響消費者對於銀行保險商品購買意願之因素,便能進一步擬定適當的行銷策略及經營方針。 本研究目的在於探討消費者對於銀行保險的涉入程度、服務品質及是否曾於銀行購買過保險商品與購買意願間的關聯性,以全省曾於銀行開戶之消費者為問卷之調查對象,總共回收有效問卷240份,研究結果如下: (1)消費者對銀行保險服務品質的要求對消費者銀行保險商品之涉入程度有顯著正向影響,建議可加強銷售人員專業知能的提昇,且銷售人員在客戶遭遇問題時能熱心協助解決,以提昇服務品質,進而提昇消費者對銀行保險商品的涉入程度。 (2)消費者銀行保險商品之涉入程度對消費者銀行保險商品之購買意願有顯著正向影響,建議可朝研發、規劃最符合客戶需求的銀行保險商品著手,以提昇消費者對於銀行保險商品之涉入程度,進而提昇其對於銀行保險商品之購買意願。 (3)消費者對銀行保險服務品質的要求對消費者銀行保險商品之購買意願有顯著正向影響,但涉入程度無法產生中介效果,且其直接影響之效果會比經由涉入程度為中介變數之間接影響效果來得大。故此,同樣地,建議可朝提昇服務品質著手,以增加消費者對於銀行保險商品的購買意願。 (4)消費者是否曾於銀行購買過保險商品對消費者銀行保險商品之購買意願有顯著正向影響,建議可針對既有客戶規劃更優惠的回流專案,增加二次行銷機會,以提昇其對於銀行保險商品的購買意願。


In the era of financial institute integration, the idea about “One-stop-shopping”urges financial institutes to integrate the finical products, such as banking, insurance, stock, and trust, all together. In order to provide full-scaled services for their customers, bank and insurance company should enhance their ability to satisfy the need of customer. In 2009, more than 60% of life-insurance premium that insurance company collected is through banking system. Therefore, knowing the factors that affect customers’purchasing intentions toward bancassurance products is very important, so that banker can construct frame the future marketing strategy and business guideline. The purpose of the study is conferring the relationship among the customers’involvement, service quality in bancassurance, and ever been buy bancassurance with purchasing intentions. The result is based on 240 questionaries that answered by persons who ever have an account in bank. The results are as follows: (1)There would be a significant positive effect for customers’demand of bancassurance service quality to customers’involvement . And the depth of involvement in the insurance products by customer is significantly positive. The more specialties the banker agent acquired, the more acknowledge the customer involved. Also, the more aggressive the banker agent participated, the more problems solved. (2)There would be a significant positive relationship effect customers’involvement about bancassurance products to customers’purchasing intentions toward bancassurance products. Profound researching and sufficient planning in the preferable insurance program to satisfy the need of customers is highly recommended. Not only promoting the customers’ involvement, but also encouraging the customers purchasing intentions toward bancassurance products. (3)There would be a significant positive effect for customers’demand of bancassurance service quality to customers’purchasing intentions. However the involvement can not be an intermediary factor. The customers’demand of bancassurance service quality would directly influence the intention of purching. Therefore, in order to increase customers’purchasing intentions toward bancassurance products, the bankers should upgrade service qualities. (4)There would be a significant positive influence for customers’who have experience of buying bancassurance products to customers’purchasing intentions. To increase the customers’purchasing intentions toward bancassurance products, banker should design superior marketing plan to hold the loyalty of customers.


27.蔡進發、張文娟、廖敏秀(2008)。影響消費者對牛樟芝產品購買意願因素之研究。管理實務與理論研究,2(4),143-173 。


