  • 學位論文


China’s development of “Economic Zone on the West Side of Taiwan Strait” and its influence on Chinese Industrial tie-up with Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭建中 范錦明


自2009年5月中旬中共國務院發布「國務院關於支援福建省加快建設海峽西岸經濟區的若干意見」以來,建設海西區成為兩岸共同矚目的焦點,大陸從中央到地方亦隨之積極地貫徹落實海西區的建立。 依照中共政府目前規劃,海西區雖然包括浙江溫州、江西贛州、廣東東北部的汕頭、梅州、潮州、汕尾、揭陽5市,但仍是以福建省為主體,因此,以福建省為主的建設或佈局,即可視為海西區的具體推進;海西區的面積約25萬平方公里,人口約為9千萬人,2008年平均GDP約為2,700元美金,不論基礎建設或經濟發展均不如長三角、珠三角和環渤海等地。 此外,隨著兩岸關係的改善,再加上大陸整體產業發展的需要,中共政府逐漸調整過去的對臺經貿政策,不僅從宏觀戰略面有序地建構對臺經貿措施,同時,也以更為細膩的操作讓臺灣被整合入以大陸為中心的經濟體中。海西區各產業的佈局與規劃為何?其佈局又呈現怎樣的戰略意涵?更重要的是,海西區是否可藉中央政策支持成為兩岸產業合作重心?亦或仍只是中共藉由提出兩岸交流各項政經合作「先行先試」規劃合作之「政治看板」,意圖對臺實施技術、人才之「引資」、「引技」作為,並協助福建省產業快速發展,甚而對我相關產業形成威脅,值予深入思考並探究其未來發展。


Since PRC State Council issued the policy of “Several Opinions Concerning Support the Establishment of Economic Zone on the West Coast of Taiwan Strait (thereafter the “Economic Zone”)”in early May 2009.Constructing the Economic Zone has become the focal point between both sides across the Taiwan Strait. Chinese central government and Fujian provincial government have also actively to start implementing the establishment of the Economic Zone. According to Chinese government’s plan, the main subject of Economic Zone is Fujian province, while the whole area includes other 7 cities that border the Zhejiang province to the north, the Jiangxi province to the west, and the Guangdong province to the south. The Economic Zone covers an area of 25 square kilometers, has a population of 90 million. In 2008, the per capita GDP amounted to US$ 2700.Both infrastructure and economic development are inferior to Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Bohai Economic Rim. In addition, with improvements in cross-strait relations and requirements for industrial development, Chinese government has gradually adjusted economy and trade policy toward Taiwan. Not only construct it in macroscopic strategy, but also try to integrate Taiwan into China economic system as a whole.What is the plan and layout of industry in Economic Zone? What kind of strategic meaning does layout show? What’s more important, will Economic Zone become the core of cross-strait industrial cooperation under central government’s support? Or it’s just a “political signboard” as pilot areas to promote cross-strait cooperation. Intending to appeal human resources and technique from Taiwan, and accelerate industrial development in Fujian province. Or even become a threat to Taiwan’s industry. It’s worth considering and probing into its development.


5、Peter H. Smith,International:the Politics of Integration:Concepts and Themes, in The Challenge of Integration:Europe and Americas, ed. , by Peter H. Smith(New Jersey:New Brunswick,1992),p5;另可參閱:Andrew Hurrell,「Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective」in Regionalism in World Politics, eds., by Louise Fawcett and Andrew Hurrell(New York:Oxford University Press.1995),p43。
1、朱景鵬,〈區域主義、區域整合與兩岸整合關係之探討〉,《中國大陸研究》,第42卷第8期,1999年8月 :頁73-89,85。另可參閱:Andrew Hurrell,「Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective」in Regionalism in World Politics, eds., by Louise Fawcett and Andrew Hurerll (New York:Oxford University Press, 1995),p39-45。


