  • 學位論文


Pongso no Tao yayo planning study

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


研究者本身就住在蘭嶼鄉內的椰油村,國中畢業後才有暫時離開家鄉的機會,但在這期間還是有陸陸續續的回家,由於是在地人因此選怎了自己的家鄉為研究的對象。本篇論文主要性質為社區空間認識及規劃的研究,從「yayo(椰油村)內在」的環境及「yayo(椰油村)外在」的環境,從「nw kawr以前的」yayo(椰油)與「ci ger kawr現在的」yayo(椰油)進行認識,試圖從「nw kawr以前的」與「ci ger kawr現在的」之間認識「yayo(椰油村)」原有空間建構的動力,進一步的從這動力去認識這動力為何。本研究藉由人文及生態這樣的一個媒介,進入研究者所生活的空間yayo(椰油村),藉由人文及生態建構出研究者對生活空間經驗的在建構,在這經驗點上提出對yayo(椰油村)社區的觀點。研究者在操作的過程中認為:1、生活空間的改善除了社區自主管理外也必須考量與其他社區的互動。 2、生活空間改善必須考量達悟人平時對於「家」所採取的態度及方法。 3、生活空間改善必須要考量,人文,生態與土地三方面的平衡需求。 本研究其主要的目的並不是說要社區大興土木,而是在於,將「nw kawr以前的」yayo(椰油)與「ci ger kawr現在的」yayo(椰油),作一個「經驗的調和」,使「yayo(椰油)」社區更能適時的面對未來的環境。


社區 經驗的調和 生活空間


The investigator himself lived in yayo village in Lan Yu Township. He got a chance to leave his hometown temporarily after he graduated from junior high school. He returned to his home from time to time during this period of time. Because he is the local people, he chose his hometown as the subject of investigation. This thesis is focused on investigation in terms of community space understanding and the plan. It attempts to know it from the “external environment of Yayo” and “internal environment of yayo”, from “the old yayo in nw kawr” and “the present yayo in ciger kawr” and intended to realize the motive of space construction from “the old on in nw kawr” and “the new one in ci ger kawr”. Further, it intended to know what the motive is. This study utilized the media of humanism and ecology to enter the living space of the investigator yayo, It also utilized humanism and ecology to establish the concepts of the investigator in terms of loving space experiences. During the process of operation, the investigator believes: 1. to improve the living space, not only the self management of the community must be concerned, but also the interaction of the concerned community to the other communities. 2. The improvement of living space must concern the attitude and methods about “home” that the Da wu people (達悟人) are adopting. 3. The improvement of living space must concern the balance among humanism, ecology and land. The goal of this study is not to encourage the community to go in a large-scale construction, but to achieve an experimental harmonization between “the old yayo in nw kawr” and the present yayo in ci ger kawr” to make the yayo community face the environment in the future properly. Key words: community experimental harmonization, living space.


