  • 學位論文


Exploring the Relationship between Elementany / Junior High School Administrators’ Perception on Technology Leadership and Minority Students’ Information literacy

指導教授 : 吳純萍


教育部近年努力消除數位落差現象,推動許多科技政策來提升弱勢學生的資訊素養。政策推動的成效仰賴校長的科技領導及相關行政人員與教師的執行力,過去研究指出校長的科技領導影響教師的資訊素養,而教師的資訊素養亦影響教學效能,正向影響學生的學習。然而教師有足夠的資訊素養,未必能適切的應用至教學中,其中教師資訊融入的關切程度就扮演關鍵的角色。資訊融入關切程度較高之教師,在研習時較為關注資訊融入教學時之應用,資訊能力的提升也提升了資訊融入教學之能力,對弱勢學生資訊素養才有所助益。 本研究透過結構方程式模型,意欲探討校長之科技領導,可否藉由行政人員與教師的科技領導感受,進而影響學生資訊素養。同時探討教師資訊融入之關切程度,是否強化行政人員的科技領導感受對於教師資訊素養的預測效果。本研究以台北縣及桃園縣公立國中小學205位教務主任與資訊組長、410位資訊老師及弱勢學生為研究對象,探討行政人員的科技領導感知、教師的科技領導感知、行政人員的資訊教育實施、教師的資訊素養感知與學生的資訊素養等變項的關係,資料經問卷回收配對後,進行結構方程式分析與階層迴歸分析後,得到以下結論: 一、中介變項的影響:行政人員之科技領導感知,藉由教師之科技領導感知為中介,進一步影響教師之資訊素養;資訊組長之科技領導感知藉由資訊教育實施為中介,進一步影響教師之資訊素養。 二、教師資訊融入關切程度調節行政人員科技領導感受對於教師資訊素養的預測力。資訊融入關切程度較高層級的教師群,行政人員科技領導感知對此類教師資訊素養之預測力,強度隨之提升;關切程度達第四層級時,教師的資訊素養對學生的資訊素養影響亦產生顯著性。 本研究建議未來推動教師資訊研習時,宜強化教師的科技領導感受及資訊融入關切層級的提升,俾利於科技教育之發展。


The impacts of teachers’ information literacy on their levels of technology integration, leading to enhancing learners’ learning outcomes and information literacy has been investigated by previous studies. Therefore, school principals are devoted to planning and leading the implementation of in-service training on teachers’ information literacy. During the implementation, how principals’ technology leadership is perceived by the training administrators and teachers might influence teachers’ willingness and involvements in the training process, thus affecting the training outcomes. The teachers deeply affected by the principal’s technology leadership will be more willing to participate in the projects of learning and training. The key factor influencing the impact of the teacher development training on teachers’ information literacy, abilities to integrate technology into teaching, and even students’ information literacy lies in teachers’ stages of concern about the technology integration. Specfically, the teachers, concerning more about the application of technology to their teaching, might pay more attention to thinkg of how to apply the technology skills learned in the training into their teacher, thus in turn enhancing their abilities for technology integration, and the elevation of students’ information literacy. Therefore, this study has two major research purposes: First, a structure equation model describing the relationships among executive members’ perceptions about technology leadership, teachers’ information literacy and students’ information literacy was investigated. Second, the moderation effect of the teachers’ stages of concern about technology integration on the predicting effect of administrators’ technology leadership on teachers’ information literacy was proposed and investigated. 205 school deans, 205 section chiefs of information technology, 410 information technology teachers, and 410 minority students from elementary and junior high schools in Taipei County and Taoyuan County were surveyed and analyzed by the techniques of structural equation modeling and hierarchial regression model to explore the proposed relationships among the variables. Two major findings were described as follows: First, the mediation effects proposed were supported. Specifically, the executive members’ perception about technology leadership influences the teachers’ information literacy via the medium of the teachers’ perception about technology leadership. Moreover, the section chiefs’ perception about technology leadership influences the teachers’ information literacy via the medium of the implementation of computer education. Second, the moderation effects of the teachers’ stages of concern about technology integration were supported. Specifically, the intensity of the predictive relationship of executive members’ perception about the principal’s technology leadership on the teachers’ information literacy apparently varied with the teachers’ stages of concern. The findings suggest that more efforts pay to enhancing the teachers’ perception about the principal’s technology leadership and their stages of concern duing development of teachers training.




