  • 學位論文

The city of "Leisure"

The city of "Leisure"

指導教授 : 王俊雄


研究主要是起自於一個社會的觀察,亦即在台灣目前愈來愈盛行之休旅車熱。台灣近年來,在汽車銷售者全力主打下,休旅車在車市已快速地變成強勢的主流商品,但相對在較實際的層面,我們卻經常會看到許多的休旅車大半時候是被擺放於都市購物中心的停車處,而非如廣告所描繪出翻山越嶺的畫面,亦即,休旅車的效用,在台灣並不真的被完全發揮! 對研究者而言,這是一個非常奇特的現象,因為這些體積龐大的車輛,其實並不適合台灣都市的道路以及大多家庭都只能擁有一輛車的條件,但人們仍然如此熱衷,其實就是那些全力主打對自然、對遠離都市重覆性日常生活的嚮往的汽車廣告策略,精確地打中了現代人心中的對休閒生活的渴望!也因此,引起研究者注意的並非休旅車本身,而是試圖探討狂熱背後所隠含之人們對休閒活動的期望。因此,本研究的重點為探討休閒的本質,同時思索就建築設計的領域,如何回應人們的真正休閒需求。 就論述的部份,本研究主要為兩個部份。其一,為透過人類與休閒之歷史性的討論,逐漸剝除資本主義加諸於休閒活動之消費意識的迷霧,以深入理解休閒的本質,在這部份透心理學家奇克森米哈伊有關「暢」(Flow)的論述,研究者得出休間本身是人類天性的一種不必然與消費有關的認識;其二,在「暢」的觀念所引領下,討探能讓人們身、心感受到暢快、愉悅的空間及身體狀態,以作為發展設計策略的準備。在以上的認知下,設計操作的部份,研究者特別選擇了一個富活動類型的基地:台北市忠孝東路的一個街廓,理由是此基地反映了台灣都市空間的最大特質,各在其上包容了諸多異質性的活動模式,由住家到商業,由靜態到非常喧鬧,有足夠的機會讓研究者在此同時談論設計的各種可能。在操作上,以具不同使用性態及使用者的特質為參考,研究者在此基地挑出七個場所,並依其相關活動的特質為準,以空間性而非消費性的為出發點,探索如何透過設計的處理,提供使用者無時無刻都可以從中取得適當的休間狀態的空間。 最後,經由此一研究過程,研究者體認到休間其實是人性的基本面,是人原本面貎的一部份,如果一般消費性的觀念異化了人的這種本性,在建築的層面,似乎過度公式化的機能論也異化了設計對空間與人的關係,尤其是公共空間。而本研究的設計則說明公共空間是有可能同時的回應人類在實際的機能與精神舒暢的能耐,這即為本研究的結論。


休閒 消費


The origin of this research comes from a social observation. That is the popularization of Recreational Vehicle Rush in Taiwan. In recent years, with the promotion in full swing by car dealers, Recreational Vehicle has become a powerful mainstream item in the market rapidly. But in most occasions, these Recreational Vehicles are parked at a shopping mall, instead of tramping over hill and dale as shown in the advertisement. The Recreational Vehicles are not fully functioned in Taiwan. This is very vagarious to us, since these cars are all bulky and not adapt to the Taiwan’s city roads and the condition that each family can only have one car. But people are high on them. As a matter of fact, it is the advertisement, which yearns towards nature and thirst for leaving today’s city life that hits the need of people. Therefore, it’s not the Recreation Vehicle itself but the eagerness for recreation that attracts our attention. This research focuses on the essence of recreation and on how architectures can meet people’s requirements. This research consists of two parts: Firstly, we try to understand the essence of recreation through the historical discussion between human being and recreation, peeling off the consumption consciousness puzzle added by capitalism. Through the discussion about Flow by Csikszentmihalyi, we find that the recreation is a natural consciousness, which is not necessarily related to the consumption. Secondly, directory by the concept of Flow, we discuss the space and body status that makes people happy and comfortable and prepare for the development of design policy. Based on the above knowledge, we select a base full of samples: a section of Chung Hsiao East Road in Taipei. Here, the surrounding reflects the most distinctive particularities of Taiwan’s city and contains many different action patterns, from dormitories to businesses, from quiet to noisy. We can find enough opportunities here to discuss the possibilities of design. In practice, we pick out 7 sites based on their properties and try to provide the users with a recreational space through a space-based, not a consumptive design. Finally, we come to a conclusion that the recreation is a basic aspect and nature of human being. General consumptive concepts dissimilate the relationship between design and space/human, especially in the public space. It’s shown in this research that it’s possible for the public space to response to the capability of actual function and psychosis at any time. That’s our harvest in this research.


leisure flow consume


04 許樹淵編著,《運動生物力學》,國立編譯館,台北,1997。
10 蘇碩斌著,〈觀光�被觀光:日治台灣旅遊活動的社會學考察〉,台灣社會學年會「走過台灣學術研討會」會議論文,2004。
14 Geoffrey, Godbey,康箏、田松譯,《你生命中的休閒》,雲南人民,昆明,2004。
11 Baudrillard, Jean,林志明譯,《物體系》,時報文化,台北,1997。
13 Botton, Alain de,廖月娟譯,《旅行的藝術》,先覺,台北,2002。
