  • 學位論文


The Action Research of Tessellation Creativity Course integrated with GSP Dynamic Geometry Software for the third and fourth graders

指導教授 : 張瓊穗


在多元複雜現代社會中,世界各國為強化國家競爭力,對於創造力教育重視程度日益提昇。我國創造力教育白皮書,對於創造力教育即明確宣示,教師應藉由最佳的情境條件,營造創造力課程與環境,藉此激勵學生創造表現。鑲嵌飾創造力課程在北市資優班行之有年,研究者在過去教學經驗中,深感此課程受限於教學媒材的不足,學生在操作學習上耗時費力,以致影響其認知與創造思考歷程。因此,研究者擬藉由科技媒材中可供運用的優勢資源,透過探討教師的教學歷程,助長學生創造思考的發展。 本研究之研究目的旨在透過系統化教學設計,運用科技輔助媒體,規劃符合特殊學生需求的創造力課程。研究中採行動研究法,針對台北市某國小中年級一般能力優異學生,規劃為期六個月的GSP動態幾何軟體融入鑲嵌飾創造力教學。研究工具以學生創作品、學習評量表、訪談大綱、協同教師意見回饋、研究者教學省思等相關質資料進行分析。 研究結果發現:(1)GSP融入創造力教學,引發學習者學習動機,展現正向的學習態度。(2)GSP融入創造力教學,協助學習者從視覺化學習中建立心像概念,引導其流暢力、獨創力與精進力的創造力發展。(3)運用合作學習教學策略,促進同儕間溝通與互動,使彼此之間優弱勢能力得以互補,提昇學習成效。(4)教學歷程對於教師而言,能達成專業成長的目標。


In order to strengthen national competitiveness in the diverse and complex modern society, countries in the world have more and more attention on creativity education.With regard to the aims of creative education, the nationalWhite Paper on Creative Educationhas stated that teachers should use optimal conditions in designing a creative curriculum and environment to motivate students’ performance and create an innovative.Tessellation creativity course have been conducted in Taipei gifted classes for years. Researcher in the past teaching experience found that course is limited by the lack of media teaching, thereby affecting their creative thinking.Therefore,researcher designs appropriate strategieswith the aid of technological media to help the development of students’ creativity. The action researchmethodology was used in thisstudy. This research aims to plan tessellation creativity course integrated with GSP dynamic geometry software for the third and fourth graders for aperiod of six months in one public elementary school in Taipei City..The qualitative data included the creativity works, students′ worksheets and feedback and reflections on the instruction from students and subject matter expert. The results show (1) GSP creativity activities gradually promote learner’s motivation ,and thus show positive attitudes towards learning. (2) The use of GSP help learners create mental image from visualization. In the whole learning process, students can not only express a variety of ideas smoothly, but also complete the taskthroughnew and unique way .Eventually students can extend more of view increative works. (3) Through cooperative learning strategies, the ability to communicate and interact among peers ispromotedand then the strengths and weaknesses capabilities are complementary each other. (4) This process ofinstruction will allow teachers to achieve the goal of teaching growth.


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