  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on Consumer Characteristics in Different Health Foods Channels

指導教授 : 楊維楨 婁國仁


近年來台灣經濟成長快速,國民的生活水準亦隨之逐年提升,人們對於健康意識的議題日趨重視,加上醫療科技的進步使得人類壽命延長,人口有逐漸邁向高齡化的趨勢,因此養生保健變得非常的重要。此外,現代人生活忙碌壓力又大,缺乏運動以及睡眠時間,又時常在外飲食,往往造成營養攝取上的不均衡,保健食品便成為現代人快速且方便的補充營養方式,這使得國人對於保健食品的需求日益增加。然而,購買保健食品的通路型態有很多種,什麼樣的消費者會選擇何種通路型態來購買保健食品?消費者之特性與保健食品通路型態間,二者有何關係存在? 基於上述的動機,本研究希望能藉由統計資料的分析,達成下列的研究目的: 一. 不同的生活型態是否會影響保健食品購買通路的選擇? 二. 不同保健食品通路下的消費者特性為何? 三. 消費者人口統計變數是否會影響保健食品通路的選擇? 本研究針對大台北地區的保健食品消費者進行問卷調查,根據回收問卷462份進行資料分析與比較後,主要的研究結果如下: 一.不同通路型態的消費者之生活型態會有差異;不同通路型態的消費者其生活型態除「健康知覺」因素外,「衝動購物」、「積極活躍」、「自我實現」、「流行資訊」、「價格敏銳」等生活型態因素皆會有差異。 二.生活型態因素與通路型態的選擇有關;「購物衝動」、「流行資訊」及「價格敏銳」因素會影響連鎖藥妝店通路的選擇;「流行資訊」及「價格敏銳」因素會影響食品賣場通路的選擇;「積極活躍」及「價格敏銳」因素會影響直銷通路的選擇;「衝動購物」、「積極活躍」、「自我實現」及「價格敏銳」因素會影響專賣店通路選擇。 三.消費者的人口統計變數與通路型態的選擇有關;人口統計變數包含有性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、個人月所得、家庭月所得。


保健食品 通路 生活型態


In recent years, the rapid growth of the economy has gradually lifted up the standard of living of Taiwanese people. Average longevity has been on the increase due to ongoing medical advancement. The awareness of health-related issues is on the rise and acquiring health-related information and the concept of staying healthy have become indispensable in people’s everyday life. However, high pressure in the workplace, lack of exercise, and poor quality of sleep time all contribute to an imbalance in nutrition intake for a typical working class. Therefore, the demand for fast and convenient health foods is emerging. A potential relation then arises on the choices of various channels for shopping health foods with different consumer characteristics. What are some of the dominating characteristics best explain the types of channels that certain types of shoppers choose? In order to answer the above question, this research is intended to look for the answers through statistical analysis to the following questions: 1. Are differences in life styles have an effect on selecting channels selling health foods? 2. Is it possible to deduce certain consumer characteristics by examining different channels? 3. Can variables of demographic survey be inducted to preference of different channels? A survey is conducted targeting greater Taipei area with 462 questionnaires and the data are analyzed through statistical methods. The main results are as follow: 1. Consumers with different channel preferences have different life styles, including health awareness, purchase impulsiveness, personalities, self-realization, interest of fashion information, and price consciousness. 2. Life styles are correlated to choices of channel preference. Purchase impulsiveness, interest to fashion information and price consciousness are the characteristics of the consumers who shops often at drugstores; Interest to fashion information ad price consciousness are the factors consumers choose supermarkets; personality and price consciousness are the reasons consumers shops through direct sales; Purchase impulsiveness, personality, self-realization and price consciousness influence consumers shop at specialty stores. 3. Preference of shopping channels of health foods are related to variables of demography, including sex, age, education level, occupation, personal monthly income and household monthly income.


Health foods Life styles Channels


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