  • 學位論文


Study on Cultural Exchange from Festivals in Paris City

指導教授 : 梁蓉


主題鮮明的地方文化節慶足以製造文化焦點;對於國內凝聚社群共識、改善藝術環境、活化文化資產,以及帶動觀光產業等地方發展提供理想的途徑;對外則為顯揚民族精神、提倡國家藝術、促進世界文化交流合作與國際認同搭建了一處伸展舞台。尤以今日文化全球化浪潮之下,在地文化消逝以及文化趨同的疑慮,使得國家政府更加積極維護地方特色;透過國際規模之城市藝術節,以「城市-國家-國際」為循序路線,打破了國界與洲界的隔閡,不僅喚起人們對於地方傳統文化的重視,也為世界多元文化增添一份元素。 法國向來以悠久深厚的文化資產傲視全球,其政府對於鼓勵國際文化交流與提昇藝術創作更是不遺餘力;不論是中央與地方之文化機構與預算、國際交流合作政策,或者是數量繁多且活躍的民間藝術組織與活動,在在都顯示了法國對於文化交流的支持與重視。巴黎為法國中央政策最直接的縮影,其所具備的資源與成就,實可作為各國政府辦理藝術節的借鏡與參考。 本論文以巴黎地區之想像藝術節、夏日藝術節,及巴黎秋季藝術節等三個主題、規模各異的國際藝術節為案例,透過分析比對的方式,描繪巴黎藝術節之文化交流實況。研究發現,主題明確、擁有公部門資源贊助、常設營運單位,以及高度營運自主權等背景,皆為藝術節長久經營並且促進文化交流的基本條件。本文於末章整合巴黎藝術節之文化交流效益與理想之經營策略,希冀為台灣舉辦藝術節提供新的思考方向。


A conspicuous cultural event with distinct direction is not only influential for residents’ condensability, art environment, historic monuments, and cultural tourism in local development, but also beneficial to show up country spirit, national legacies, and to build up a relationship of cultural exchange and cooperation among the world. Especially in this global village age, all the governments devote themselves to protect their unique culture from the crisis of homogenization and territorial communities of globalization. So that, many of them move up their local culture and to increase the cultural diversity for Cultural Pluralism in holding international festivals in the city. France is famous for his cultural industries, no matter in the center or local government, and those private institutions all always contribute themselves to promote international cultural exchange. Paris city is the main reflection of French cultural policy, so that this city is able to be a great reference for conducting international art festival. This research includes three examples in Paris city, such as Festival de l’Imaginaire, Paris Quartier d’Été, and Festival d’Automne à Paris. We discovered that a successful festival in cultural exchange should be based on a clear subject, a permanent organization and the proper support from government. Finally, we expect that this studying could offer Taiwan a direction in long-terms operation and to cross-domain cooperation.


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