  • 學位論文


Research on the Subordination to Administrative Acts of the Criminal Environmental Law-Waste Disposal Act as an Example

指導教授 : 劉如慧


第一章:緒論,研究方法與研究範圍。 第二章:環境概念與環境刑法之成因。 第三章:經由學說之研究,探討刑法的行政從屬性,係指刑法構成要件中有部分空白,原為立法者之義務立法填補空白要件,而將填補構成要件要素之權限賦與行政機關。而構成要件之行政從屬性,卻可能違反罪刑法定原則與法明確性原則。 第四章:本文對於使用構成要件行政從屬性,將具體地提出立法時應注意之事項,其中包含了立法時立法者與行政權應注意之事項,以及司法於審查個案時,可能產生之疑問與應有之審查範圍與密度,藉由立法程序以及司法審查程序的建議,,不因為刑法之行政從屬性之立法方式,而違反罪刑法定原則以及構成要件明確性原則。 第五章:綜合上述各章之結論。


Chapter One: The preamble contains the research motivation and purpose, scope and methods of study and research framework for the explanation. Chapter Two: The development of environmental criminal law. Chapter Three: Search and collects several theories about the concept, criminal law material elements incorporating with administrative acts, it meaning of the concept, criminal law material elements incorporating with administrative acts, is that the legislator who is obliged to construct the material elements only does part of his job and leaves some of the material elements for administration to fill in. However, the existence of the concept seems to violate the principle of clarity and definiteness of criminal law which derived from nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege. Chapter Four: The writer renders specific advices about the concept, criminal lawmaterial elements incorporating with administrative acts, to the Legislator, the Administration and the Court, including the cooperation between the Legislator and the Administration and the review standard of the Court. With these advices, the writer believes that the concept will not violate the principle of clarity and definiteness of criminal law which derived from nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege. Then the task of this thesis would be fulfilled. Chapter Five: Make conclusions of each chapter.


13、葉俊榮,大量環境立法:我國環境立法的模式、難題及因應方向,國立臺灣大學法學論叢,1992 年,第22期第1卷,頁105-147。
