  • 學位論文

企業Rapid e-Learning教材設計發展之模式建構

Constructing a model of Developing Rapid e-Learning for corporate training

指導教授 : 徐新逸


近年來政府投入大量的經費致力推動國內數位學習產業的發展,數位學習除了能夠節省教育訓練成本經費、訓練時間及提供大量的訓練機會外,所提供的具體效益更強調知識即時性及知識傳遞性。但倘若在時間和經費都有限的情況下從事數位教材自製,開發人員難以遵循多數發展數位教材所採用的一個系統化教學設計模式:ADDIE教材開發程序,因此需要快速的教材設計發展模式以解決企業進行數位教材自製的限制。 本研究主要是以設計發展研究法為主要研究方式,而先藉由文獻分析歸納企業Rapid e-Learning教材設計之模式雛形,進而透過教學工作坊,實際教導有製作數位教材需求的大專院校教師Rapid e-Learning教材設計發展之模式與其概念,並於課程進行中,實施適用性問卷調查,瞭解學習者對於此教材設計發展模式之適用程度。適用性調查以參加實體教學工作坊教師為主,總共回收38份問卷,扣除3份有部份未填答完全問卷,共有35份問卷視為有效問卷。整體而言,在十三題適用性調查問卷問題中,平均分數皆大於3.60分以上,由此顯示出,所有參與此次教學工作坊教師對於此Rapid e-Learning教材設計發展模式及模式輔助表單的適用性皆為正向看法與回饋。 本研究建構之企業Rapid e-Learning教材設計之模式,期能提供數位學習教材開發人員在進行Rapid e-Learning數位教材自製時,有一個開發流程模式為依據,製作出兼顧快速完成並且具有品質成效的數位教材。


In recent years, e-Learning has been highly driven by industry, government and academy. Not only saving the costs and times, but also providing a great amount of training opportunities, e-learning, moreover, provides the benefit that emphasizes the knowledge instantaneity and transitivity. However, if under the circumstance of limited time and budget, it is hard for developer to follow ADDIE, the systematized instructional design procedure model, to develop the training materials. Therefore, for solving the dilemma instructional designer faced, it is necessary to construct a model for developing Rapid e-Learning content design and development. Based on above purpose, the research methods used in this study were DBR (design-based research), literature reviews, interviews and questionnaires. First, by way of literature reviewing one can construct a model of developing Rapid e-Learning for corporate training. Next, by way of holding the teacher workshops, college teachers can know how to develop Rapid e-Learning materials, Rapid e-Learning concept and procedure model. In the end of the workshop, participants’ reflection of the model can be understood by using the questionnaire. Investigation on appropriateness and usefulness of the model by the questionnaire is applied for the teachers attend the workshop. According to research results, 13 items in the questionnaire are greater than 3.60 on mean scores. It’s obvious to see the workshop participators reflect the positive attitudes toward the model of content design and development for Rapid e-Learning. This research is significant because it provides a useful model for Rapid e-Learning content design and development, which helps developers produce the e-Learning content not only in a quicker manner, but also with quality.


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