  • 學位論文


Euroscepticism: Bilateral Relations between UK and European Union

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


2013 年1 月23 日,英國首相卡麥隆(David Cameron)公開宣布,如果2015 年保守黨在大選中獲勝的話,將會在2017 年發起公民投票,由人民決定是否要繼續留在歐洲聯盟之內的問題。卡麥隆要求歐盟重新檢討「日趨守舊的封閉政策」,「接受或退出歐盟, 將由英國民眾共同決定」。他表明了未來英國政府會和歐盟有更多的協商與政策談判,無論結果如何都會訴諸公投,「到時候英國人民將面對一個最根本的問題:接受新的地位條約,或正式脫離歐盟。」歐盟去留的公投,就如同卡麥隆所形容的是一張單程車票,有去無回。而這種對於歐洲、歐盟抱持的懷疑態度,稱之為「歐洲懷疑主義」,像學者Paul Taggart 就在1998 年的學術論文中,將歐洲懷疑主義形容為「對歐洲抱持異議的試金石」,是「對於歐洲統合議題的存疑與不信任」。 本篇文章所採用自由政府主體主義檢證筆者的研究,並就學者莫拉維斯克(Andrew Moravcsik)對於自由政府主體主義的理論架構,逐一舉出案例去驗證筆者的論述。並且將研究聚焦在歐洲懷主義思維最為濃厚且為先鋒的英國身上,此外,筆者用了一個章節的 篇幅去研究歐盟會員國、以及歐盟候選國內的歐洲懷疑主義政黨發展,使讀者能夠對於歐洲懷疑主義在歐洲現今最新的發展能有簡潔的認識與理解,最後一章節並針對卡麥隆所拋出的公投議題進行研究,蒐集資料分析英國退出歐盟的可能性以及利弊剖析,讓讀者能對於這件未來可能撼動歐盟的震撼彈有更多的瞭解。


“Euroscepticism” is now one of the most significant trend in Europe’s political thinking and public debate. In 2013, David Cameron, the Prime Minister of The Great Britain, declare that if Conservative Party wins the general election of 2015, he will hold a referendum in 2017 to let British people decide their future in European Union. He state clearly that British Government’s negotiate with EU will be much more frequently. Once Cameron fails to make a “good enough” deal with EU, he will turn his direction to stand for a “YES” vote. In this thesis, we focus on the case study of UK, the most “Eurosceptical” country in Europe. Otherwise, for the reason we tried to be more broad-minded, we also analysis EU’s member state and candidate state, how their political parties and public be “pro-European” or “Euroscptic”. Based on the research of mass relative documents and essays, This thesis will show how this trend germinated, mushroomed, and now become an unstoppable brainstorm wave.


Micheal White. (2012), “Britain, proud home of Euroscepticism”, The Guardian.
Karen Henderson, (2001), “Euroscepticism and Europhobia: Opposition Attitudes to the EU in the Slovak Republic,” Opposing Europe Research Network Working Paper No.5. UK: Sussex European Institute.
Chris Gifford. (2008), The Making of Eurosceptic Britain, UK: MPG Books Ltd.
