  • 學位論文


Looking for the practice of public sphere in Taiwan-a case study of "Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction"

指導教授 : 許傳陽


為期四十餘年,台灣走過了漫長的國民黨威權統治,隨著戒嚴令的解除,進入了歷史嶄新的一頁。在這嶄新的階段,人們期待一個由人民依據自身需求主動集會結社,以及監督在上位者的施政表現,即俗稱的「市民社會」,以及一個能自由公開,為公共性議題理性辯論的討論空間,即俗稱「公共領域」這兩者能夠隨著新時代的來臨而綻放光采。 一個國家的民主化程度可以由媒體的自由度作為參考的依據:從「第四權」的角度來看,由於媒體是獨立於三權之外的監督者,以作為公權力的制衡機制;再由型塑議題、開放討論的可能性而言,實有達到「公共領域」的理想條件。然而,台灣媒體在過去威權時期的統治之下,作為黨國機器收編人民意識形態的工具,因而具有其特殊的侍從性格;再者,在一套成熟的市場機制與公民素養均尚未形成之前,就開放了媒體市場,彷彿打開的潘朵拉的盒子一般,亂象頻生。 二○○八年五月二十日,隨著馬英九總統的上任,「節能減碳」政策也隨之開跑。在全球暖化的背景之下,台灣亦加入了環保的行列,最首當其衝的即是台灣能源產業結構的轉型問題,以及其中所涉及到與社會間分配公平正義的問題,某種程度來說,環保議題絕對不會僅指涉到環境,而是關乎整個社會、政治、經濟、文化等議題,而在這樣的情況下,絕不能只由少數人來決定整個政策的走向,而是社會大眾都要充分與積極的參與其中,而大眾媒體更應擔任其溝通的重要角色。 為探討媒體在節能減碳政策推動的表現,本文採內容分析法,抽樣對象為《聯合報》與《中國時報》,自二○○八年四月起,及馬政府上任前一個月開始,至二○○八年年底的報導分布情況。其次,為了解其數字背後的意義與原因,再選定四名NGO團體的代表做深度訪談,探究造成台灣社會中,媒體亂象的癥結點何在。 本研究發現,新聞的報導方式以「純淨新聞」為主,且多呈現「社會高層」與「官方」說法,而在「觀念教育」與「國際反應」比例上明顯偏低。由於台灣報業在先天上有威權統治的歷史因素,因此不論在發言的機會,或是媒體的近用上,都較一般民眾有利;然而,當前更為嚴重的問題則是在於市場導向的新聞義理,導致將閱聽人的身分由「公民」轉為「消費者」,進而在內容的提供上也由「人們應該知道的事」轉為「人們有興趣的事」。最後,市民社會在台灣難以發展的原因仍需回歸在過去政治力對於社會的控制影響深遠,例如二二八事件或是白色恐怖軋傷了人民間空開討論的風氣,也影響了後來中產階級的性格。 總結來說,台灣深受過去威權統治的影響,因此不論在市民社會或是公共領域的發展都與西方民主社會有很大的落差,欲檢視媒體亂象,不能單純由「觀眾喜歡看腥羶色所以媒體就提供」的邏輯視之,而必須由台灣的歷史脈絡與政經結構方能加以做更為完善的解釋。是故,本文以「節能減碳」為例,試圖從中找尋台灣媒體走向更為開放、理性之契機。


公共領域 市民社會 國家 媒體 中產階級


After the ruling of KMT for 40 years, Taiwan had come into the new page of history when the order of martial law was dismissed. In this new era, people looked forward to a so-called “civil society”, which people are able to actively form associations, in order to supervise the performance of government, and try to comprise a “public sphere”, which people could solve public issue with reasonable discuss. The degree of democracy of one state can be estimated by the reporting freedom of media. From the point of “the fourth right”, media is a supervisor who are independent form the public authority. On the other hand, constructing issue and capacity of widely discussion are the ideal conditions of “public sphere.” However, under the control of KMT, the press was used to transmit government’s ideology. Furthermore, it was like opening the Pandora’s box that the media market was opened without any regulation, which resulted in lots of social problems. In the background of global warming, Taiwan launched "Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction" policy which include lots of society issues, such as politic, economy, and culture. In certain degree, it is not just an environmental issue, but a political economic one which involves each member of the society. As a result, the public should actively get involved in this campaign, and media ought to be the rule of communication. In order to find how the policy is presented, this research uses content analysis, and chose United Daily News and China Times as samples from April 1st of 2008 to the end of the year. Then, the research interviews the representatives of NGO groups to understand the causes of the analysis. In the conclusion, this research shows that the clean news take the most part of the reports, especially from the source of high society and official statements; on the other hand, the reports of education and international reaction are relatively low. It can be traced back to the Taiwan history, which government controlled the press and suppressed the channels of public discussion. Next, the potential problems behind the situations are that people are seen as customers rather than citizens when the press turns to market-driven orientation. Finally, it is the authority of control by KMT in the past that make civil society hard to happen. Therefore, this research will try to find the possible way to light up the chaos of media industry in Taiwan.


Public Sphere civic society state media middle class


天下雜誌編輯部(2001)。〈看電視後 焦慮 心煩 沒前途〉,《天下雜誌》,251:144-150。
王振寰(1989)。〈台灣的政治轉型與反對運動〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,2: 71-116。
