  • 學位論文


Impact of Revolution in Military Affairs to the Airborne Troops of the PLA

指導教授 : 曾復生


第一次波灣戰爭,是在有限地理區域內進行高強度、低政治目標的戰爭。正是「人民解放軍」自1985年以來一直在評估的軍事衝突模式。而美軍展現的作戰效益,使共軍對高科技武器在聯合作戰環境下的表現,大感震驚。亦促使共軍開始檢討「軍事事務革命」與建置「快速反應部隊」。 共軍隨即於1992年將空降旅擴編為空降軍編制,並且將其定位為重點發展部隊,積極開始了空降部隊的現代化。以其具備長程兵力投射能力及快速部署的特性,運用上已超出戰術的範疇達到戰略的層級。 本論文針對「新軍事變革」對共軍空降部隊戰力的現代化進行研究,並假設已經產生結構性的影響。另進一步藉川震救災行動中,共軍空降部隊危機處理的任務表現,近一步評估其能力的虛實。 經過各方面的探討及驗證後,發現新軍事變革對空降部隊的影響有以下幾點: 進步方面 一、戰略因時制宜,戰力與時俱進 二、武器裝具籌獲,近程外購遠程研發 三、作戰訓練扎實,演習有效驗證 障礙方面 一、後勤保障能力,無法有效支援 二、聯戰觀念不足,空降戰力難續 三、缺乏實戰經驗,信心能力俱疑 總結來說,共軍空降部隊已逐漸成為一支反應快、戰力強的部隊,但戰力之維繫,需有多方條件之合成方能維繫於不墜,共軍空降部隊雖有戰略、裝備籌製、訓練等多方面之進步與優勢,但在講求多兵種聯合作戰的現今作戰環境下,協同作戰、實戰經驗及後勤保障能力,亦須長期經營累積方能有效提升,並非短期投入即一蹴可及。此一原理,亦同於我國國軍於建軍備戰方面的缺失與盲點,各種能量的建立與培養,尤以國防工業之建立,作戰經驗之累積,均應以長期眼光,投資經營,以永續發展為目標,方能與時俱進,克敵勝敵,完成既定戰略目標。


新軍事變革 空降部隊 川震


First Gulf War was carried out with high intensive but low political goal with in the limited geographical region. It is exactly what The People's Liberation Army ( PLA) keeps assessing the military conflict model since 1985. The PLA was astonished at the combat efficiency of US Army under the high technological joint war. It also caused the PLA to assess the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) and formed the Rapid Reaction Force (RRF). The PLA enlarged the existing system of Airborne Troops in 1992 and gave high priority to the development of Airborne Troops. It then started to modernize the Airborne Troops, and aimed at attaining strong shooting ability and speedy deployment ability, which beyond the tactics the army are already using. This essay is mainly focus on how the RMA analysis and researched on the modernization of fighting capacity of Airborne Troop of the PLA with an assumption that a structural influence is exerted. In addition, the performance of PLA during the Rescue of Sichuan Earthquake and their crisis management will be assessed in this essay. After discussion and verification of various fields, the impact of RMA on the Airborne Troop are as follow: Strengths First, military strategy and fighting capacity keep pace with the times. Second, assurance of weapons obtaining; in short term, purchase weapons outside the country and for long term, they research and produce the weapons in their own county. Third, the sturdy operational training and the effective of maneuver are verified. Weaknesses First, ineffective of logistic supportability. Second, limited concept and knowledge on joint war, affecting the continuance of their fighting capacity. Third, lack of actual combat experience, confidence and ability of the army are all doubted. As a summary, the Airborne Troop of the army has gradually become a fast responded and strong fighting capacity unit. However, the maintaining of fighting capacity requires an integration of different aspects. Even the Airborne Troop of the PLA obtains the advantages of strong strategy planning, sufficient military weapons supplies, and effective operational training, they have insufficient logistic support, weak joint war knowledge, and insufficient actual combat experience, which are highly demanded in the combat environment nowadays. These are difficult to obtain and reinforce in short term. These are also the weaknesses of our army in Taiwan. The building-up, training-up and strengthening of different aspects, especially the setting up of military industry and actual combat experience require a long term investment. As a result, the army can keep pace with the times and can achieve the military goals that set.


RMA PLA Airborne troop


1.王高成,“中共不對稱作戰戰略與台灣安全” ,巨克毅主編,《台海安全的危機與轉機》(臺北:頂茂圖書,2004),頁9-29。
9.蔡明彥,“中共跨世紀軍備發展策略分析” ,巨克毅主編,《台海安全的危機與轉機》,(臺北:頂茂圖書,2004),頁53-77。
11.劉廣華,“論中共可能犯台模式與我國因應之道”,巨克毅主編,《台海安全的危機與轉機》 (臺北:頂茂圖書,2004)頁99-128。


