  • 學位論文


How does Nation Branding Tell Stories? Taking Taiwan Tourism Commercial as examples

指導教授 : 黃振家


由於快速的工業發展對環境帶來嚴重的破壞,許多國家轉為發展無煙囪工業-觀光產業,同時,當品牌概念導入國家形象管理,觀光產業在建立國家品牌時有不可或缺的地位,台灣也從2002年開始提出「觀光客倍增計畫」後,積極並長期規劃地發展觀光產業。 因後消費時代來臨,消費者不再只是買產品本身,而是透過買東西滿足情感,「感性」行銷興起,藉由感性的訴求,使消費者產生對品牌的認同,而「故事」不僅能達到感性訴求,也能滿足人想聽故事的慾望,「說故事」為現今打造品牌重要的策略之一,透過故事說服力量行銷品牌。本研究以「說故事行銷」為基底,以台灣觀光影片為研究文本,探討國家品牌如何透過影片傳遞品牌的形象。 本研究將以敘事理論分析台灣觀光宣傳影片的故事結構,並討論觀光品牌的價值,以其達到三個研究目標,第一,從觀光影片與觀光宣傳策略中,檢視台灣觀光宣傳政策中的傳遞的台灣觀光品牌定位;其二以觀光品牌使用宣傳廣告片時進行故事行銷,拆解文本的符號意義,探討其故事的敘事結構與元素;最後,根據上述分析,透過說故事行銷策略,討論台灣觀光廣告故事元素,提供製作觀光宣傳廣告的建議。


Due to the serious damages on environment brought by rapid industrial development, many countries across the world have turned their attention to the development of non-smokestack industry – tourism industry. Meanwhile, when the conception of brand is introduced into the national image, the tourism industry thus became indispensable in establishing nation branding. Since the implementation of “Doubling Tourist Arrivals Plan” in 2002, Taiwan has aggressively planned the long-term development of tourism industry. With the arrival of post-consumer era, the consumers no longer only buy the product itself but also satisfy the emotion through buying products. The rise of “emotional” facilitates the brand identity by consumers on products through emotional appeals. While “story” itself could not only achieve the emotional appeal but also satisfy the desire of people for listening the story. So “telling story” is now one of important strategies for creating a brand because it could market the brand through the convincing power of story. Based on the “story marketing” and with Taiwan tourism video as the text for research, the study tried to explore how national branding delivers the image of brand through videos. This study analyzed the story structure of Taiwan tourism promotional videos by narrative theory and discussed the values of tourism brand to achieve three objectives of research: first, examining the positioning of Taiwan tourism brand delivered by Taiwan tourism policy; second, interpreting the symbolic meaning of text of story marketing in using promotional commercial by tourism brands and explore the narrative structure and elements of story; third, based on above-mentioned analyses and through the strategy of telling story, discussing the elements of Taiwan tourism commercial story and making recommendations for producing tourism promotional commercials in future.


