  • 學位論文


Bank interest margin;default risk and the degree of nationalizaion:option-based simulation analysis.

指導教授 : 林志鴻 賴錦璋




According to the financial crisis in 2008, governments tried to stable the financial market by proving the capital from the government fund. In this paper, our purpose is to understand the impact of the political interference related to the bank nationalization on equity capital and default risk caused by the structural changes of the bank itself. Based on this paper, there are two results could be demonstrated. First, the increase of nationalization caused the decrease of the base rate. Bank will increase the amount of the lending in order to pursue the better equity return. Second, the default risk will be influenced by the structural change of the bank. Banks will rely on the government fund, which improve the quality of its capital and internal structure and start to pursue higher equity return that will cause higher default risk.


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