  • 學位論文


Nonlinear Bending Analysis of Piezoelectric Composite Plates

指導教授 : 葉豐輝


本文係研究承受電場或電壓致動且邊界為旋轉彈性支撐之壓電複合層板。首先採用簡化高階複合層板理論,配合壓電理論,並利用廣義雙重傅利葉級數法(The Generalized Double Fourier Series Method)將位移與電位函數假設成滿足邊界條件之傅利葉級數,對壓電複合層板之能量利用漢米爾頓定理分析,由此推導出一組非線性代數方程組逐步求解,以其了解壓電複合層板在承受電場或電壓致動時之行為。本文詳細探討各種不同之長寬比、材料係數、材料厚度、壓電材料疊層角度、邊界彈性係數、電場以及電壓等參數對非線性彎曲的影響,部分結果與文獻比較十分吻合。本研究成果將可提供壓電複合層板設計者和分析者參考之用。


彈性 壓電 複合 非線性


A simple high-order theory is presented to examine the nonlinear analysis of the piezoelectric composite plates subjected electric field or voltage with elastically restrained boundary conditions in this thesis. The simple high-order theory employs parabolic shear strain variation across the thickness, and requires no correction factors because it satisfies shear free surface boundary conditions. Generalized double Fourier series are used to constitute a set of nonlinear algebra equations which solution is obtained by numerical method.The influences of aspect ratio, material properties, thickness-to-length, angle of orientation, elastically restrained coefficients, electric field, and voltage are particularly discussed in this thesis. Some special cases are compared with those given in the literature and good agreement is obtained.The research results should serve as references for designer and analysis of piezoelectric composite plates.


elasticity piezoelectric composite plate nonlinear


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