  • 學位論文


The associations among orphan policy service recovery strategy, service recovery satisfaction and relationship retention

指導教授 : 吳坤山
共同指導教授 : 羅惠瓊(Hui-Chiung Lo)


本研究主要以台灣地區之壽險保單顧客為研究對象,探討孤兒保單服務補救措施、服務補救滿意度與關係續留之關聯。本研究採便利抽樣之方式進行抽樣,總計發放384份問卷,回收300份問卷,扣除無效樣本後,有效樣本數為286份,有效樣本回收率為95.33%。研究使用SPSS 22.0版統計軟體進行分析,採用的分析方法包括:敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、相關分析、迴歸分析。 本研究主要研究結果如下: 1. 服務補救措施可提高服務補救滿意度。 2. 服務補救滿意度可提高顧客關係續留。 3. 服務補救措施可提高顧客關係續留。 4. 服務補救滿意度在服務補救措施與顧客關係續留間,具中介效果。 緣此,建議台灣地區壽險業者應加強對孤兒保單顧客的服務補救措施,且須適足賦權予負責服務補救措施之人員,以提升服務補救措施之滿意度並進而提高顧客關係續留意願。


This study aims the life insurance policyholder as the main study subjects to discuss the associations among the service recovery strategy of orphan policy, satisfaction of the service recovery and the relationship retention. This study adopts the random sampling method to get the samples. Total 384 questionnaires were distributed and 300 questionnaires were returned. Deducting the invalid questionnaires, there were 284 valid questionnaires and the return rate of valid questionnaires is 95.33%. This study uses the SPSS software to make the statistical analysis, including the descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The main results of the study are as follows: 1.The service recovery strategy can enhance the satisfaction of the service recovery. 2.The satisfaction of the service recovery can enhance the relationship retention. 3.The service recovery strategy can enhance the relationship retention. 4.The relationship between the service recovery strategy and relationship retention is mediated by the service recovery satisfaction. Therefore, we suggest the Life Insurance Industry shall strengthen the service recovery strategy of the orphan policy and sufficiently empowers the employees who are in charge of the service recovery to enhance the satisfaction of the service recovery and then improve the relationship retention.


鄭紹成(2002)。服務補救滿意構面之探索性研究。管理評論,21 (3),49-68。
