  • 學位論文


A Study to Shi-you Village’s Nuo Ritual

指導教授 : 傅錫壬


趨吉避凶,是人類共同的願望,自古以來,人們就一直在尋找一個能夠讓生命安全、生活安頓的方法。在中國,驅鬼逐疫的儀式被稱為「儺」,是一種戴著面具裝扮成神靈的儀式,至今仍然在許多地方發揮著它們強大的生命力,本文所關注的江西省南豐縣石郵村即保留了自明代流傳下來的古儺。 石郵村儺歷史久遠,每年農曆正月初一開始,連續進行十七天,整個儀式共分為起儺、跳儺、搜儺、圓儺四大部分,其形式簡樸有力,古意盎然,是以歷來論者多注意到外顯於該儀式的藝術價值。然而儀式背後必然隱含著更深層的架構,以石郵村而言,該地是一個以吳姓宗族為主體的宗族性村落,外姓居民僅佔少數──這樣的居民結構如何維持其自身的穩定發展?又如何展現在儺儀的儀式過程中?或者說,儺儀式在這個社會過程裡扮演著什麼樣的角色? 為求釐清此一問題,本論文分為四大部分。第一部份,先廓清石郵村的基本史地概念,找出石郵吳氏與石郵儺之間的歷史關連;第二部份,採取田野調查的方式,詳細紀錄石郵儺的儀式細節,藉以掌握儀式中的各種元素;第三部分,借伊利亞德的神聖時間、空間觀點,確認儺儀式對石郵村民的重要意義;最後,在第四部分,則援引特納對「閾限」與「交融」的理念,辨析儀式在社會過程中扮演的重要角色。 「人」才是儀式的主體,任何對儀式的研究,不能忽略人和儀式間錯綜複雜的交互關係,尤其不能略過儀式在人類生活中扮演的統合角色,如此一來,方能更加精準地確認儀式真正的價值所在。


南豐縣 石郵村 儀式 儀式過程 神聖空間 神聖時間 閾限 交融


We all want to be blessed, and keep away from badness. Since the ancient time, people have searched a path to settle down their live. To the Chinese people, the certain ritual called Nuo is one of the answers. Nuo is a ritual which people put on the mask of gods to drive out evils. Today, in many countries of Chinese, we can still find it play a major role in their life. This thesis will focus on the Nuo ritual in Shi-you Village, Nanfeng County, Jiangxi Province. Nuo in Shi-you has a long history, Since Ming Dynasty, it was held during Chinese Lunar New Year (it last 17 days). The whole ritual can be divide into 4 phases: Chi Nuo (Begin to process ritual), Tiao Nuo (Blessing), Sou Nuo (Drive out Evils), Yuan Nuo (The end of the ritual). The form of this Nuo ritual is so simple and powerful that many researchers will focus on these external characteristics but ignore the inner connection to the society. Shi-you is a little village base on the Wu’s patriarchal clan, there are few villagers living here are not Wu’s family. How this kind of resident structure be kept stable? How it reveal itself in Nuo’s ritual? Eventually, what king of character did this ritual play in this social process? This thesis will divide into 4 chapters to find out the answer: first, I will clarify Shi-you Village’s history, to define the connection between the Wu’s clan and the Nuo ritual; second, the Field Research method was introduced to record all the detail of it; Third, I will try to find out the major meaning of Nuo to Shi-you villagers using Mircea Eliade’s idea to Sacred Space, and Sacred Time; finally, I will quote Victor Turner’s ideas of Limen and Communitus to identify Nuo Ritual’s importance in the social process. I think, People is the true subject of ritual. Any study pursuits to solve this question should never ignore the complex connections between human and ritual, Without that, we could never confirm the real value of ritual.


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18. 劉曾復:《京劇臉譜大觀》(台北:財團法人辜公亮文教基金會,1997年)。
8. 庹修明:〈中國儺學研究的回顧與展望:兼論「中國地方戲與儀式之研究」與貴州儺戲儺文化〉,《漢學研究通訊》總85期,2003年3月,頁1-6。
1. Turner, Victor: "The Ritual Process -- Structure and Anti-Structure." (New York: Cornell University Press, 1969).
