  • 學位論文


The Effect of Personality on College Students’ Behaviors at Moocs Websites

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


MOOCs網站是磨課師課程網站平台之統稱,能提供教學者與學習者突破時間與空間限制的學習活動平台。而介面的設計,必須兼顧使用性與偏好,雖然使用性與偏好以及人格無直接相關關係,但卻影響使用者對網站的印象與接受程度。人格的重要性在先前研究結果發現不同人格特質者,學習行為上是有差異的。 因此,對不同人格特質的學習者來說,磨課師課程網站設計是否能達到最有效的學習且有效的學習環境,在不同人格特質的背景下值得去探討。本研究目的:1.探討不同人格特質使用者於磨課師課程網站中在使用性上之差異2.探討不同人格特質使用者於磨課師課程網站中在網站介面偏好上之差異。因此,以磨課師課程網站做為研究工具,並且使用NEO-PI量表調查。採用問卷調查法與訪談訪雙管齊下進行資料蒐集。 本研究之研究對象為私立大學之大學生共41名,使用多國語言的Coursera開放式課程網站做為測試平台,並使用性評估方法、使用者任務清單、滿意度問卷以及訪談作為試後資料分析之依據。首先讓使用者填寫人格特質問卷進行分類,再讓使用者根據任務清單進行任務操作,最後研究者根據使用者的操作過程與使用後的問卷填寫進行分析。 根據本研究之結果,結論如下: 1.和善型特質者偏好介面藍色系文字色彩。 2.外向型特質者偏好網站介面呈現的(Icon)按鈕,認為此類型的物件對於操作回答問題有助於辨識是否以選擇作答,具有確的功用。 3.嚴謹自律型與外向型特質者皆認為重要功能之按鈕或連結使用凸顯的色 彩有助於使用者辨識。 4.聰穎開放型與外向型特質者偏好下拉式選單的設計,認為該設計有助介 面之排版。 5.嚴謹自律型與和善型特質者偏好文字型按鈕,認為文字型按鈕搭配有顏 色的方框,除了可以突顯視覺效果外亦作為重點強調或連結提示,並可 用來區隔各選項的關係。 6.和善型特質者偏好整體介面的平衡與一致性。


MOOCs is referred to the class of curriculum website platform to provide educators and learners to break through time and space limitations of learning activities platform. The interface design should be able to cover both usability and design preferences. Although the usability and interface design preferences both have no direct correlation to personality of designer, they have an influence on the impression and acceptability of users to the website. The importance of personal characteristics has been found in the previous researches that for different personality traits, on the aspects of learning are differential. Therefore, the design of Moocs websites is worthy to investigate whether the design can reach the most efficient ways and better learning environment on the different background of different personal traits. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to understand the situation when users operate Moocs websites. There were 41 students from private University. They use multi-lingual of Moocs websites at research tools, also with usability test, user task list, satisfaction questionnaire and interviews methods to make their analysis. According to the research , we can make conclusions: 1. People who are warm and kind prefer the interface in color blue. 2. People who are outgoing prefer the interface with icons. They think this buttons certainly can help to answer questions. 3. People who are self-disciplined and outgoing all agree on using bright color to emphasize the important functions is helpful to recognize. a 4. People who is open-minded and outgoing prefer pull- down menus. They think is helps how the interface organized. 5. People who are self-disciplined and people who are warm and kind prefer the buttons with words on them. They think if those buttons go with the color frames, they can emphasize the importance or the reminder of linking a website; also it can mark off different choices. 6. People who are warm and kind prefer the balance and integrity of the interface.


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