  • 學位論文


The Revolt in Albert Camus

指導教授 : 吳錫德


卡繆在一九五○年的《筆記》中,為自己的寫作規劃訂下三個主題:「1.薛西弗斯的神話(荒謬)— 2.普羅米修斯的神話(反抗)— 3. 涅墨西斯的神話」,但是在第三階段並未寫下思想主題。本論文嘗試以「荒謬」、「反抗」與薛西弗斯和普羅米修斯的關係上去推敲其未言明的內容。涅墨西斯在《反抗者》一書的最後章節裡,代表著一種「節制」的精神,而這個精神正是延續著「反抗」階段的生活態度。本論文結合了卡繆的「限度」與涅墨西斯的形象,得出卡繆的三階段寫作計畫則變成:「1.薛西弗斯的神話(荒謬)— 2.普羅米修斯的神話(反抗)— 3. 涅墨西斯的神話(限度)。」 此外,在卡繆對於「存在」與「荒謬」的討論中,隨著每一階段的體驗不同,「反抗」有著不同的表現模式,以及不同的追求目標。因此,論文的討論範疇則從卡繆的兩本哲學論述著作(《薛西弗斯的神話》、《反抗者》)出發,試圖找出各階段的「反抗」邏輯。再者,透過古希臘神話故事人物的形象(薛西弗斯、普米修斯、涅墨西斯),推論出卡繆所描述的「反抗」三種模式(荒謬、反抗、限度),並且更進一步推演卡繆的「反抗」進程。本論文共分四個章節:第一章「反抗」的萌芽與形成,描述「反抗」的歷史性;第二章「反抗」的內涵,與第三章「反抗」的形式則分別從兩種文學模式,兩本哲學論述,以及三本小說(《異鄉人》、《瘟疫》、《墮落》)的作品來討論卡繆的「反抗」;最後,第四章「反抗」的時代意義,透過卡繆的生平經歷,來討論「反抗」之於卡繆的實踐與主張。


卡繆 反抗 荒謬 限度 介入 捲入 知識份子


Camus wrote down in his Notebooks of 1950, subscribed the next three subjects for his own writing plan: «I. The Myth of Sisyphus (absurd) — II. The Myth of Prometheus (revolt) — III. The Myth of Nemesis » But, Camus didn’t write down the main thought in the third stage. We attempt to deliberate the relations between “the absurd”, “the revolt” with Sisyphus and Prometheus. Nemesis in final chapter of the Rebel, represents a kind of the spirit which is called “the moderation”, but this spirit is precisely continues the life manner of “the revolt” stage. This paper attempted to union “the limit” with the image of Nemesis, therefore we saw Camus’ three-stage writing plan turns: « I. The Myth of Sisyphus (absurd) — II. The Myth of Prometheus (revolt) — III. The Myth of Nemesis. (limit) ». In addition, in these discussions of “the absurd” and “the existence”, we realized that from the differences of each stage’s experience; “the revolt” has the different performance pattern, as well as different goals. Therefore, we started to discuss from these two philosophy works (the Myth of Sisypus and the Rebel), and attempted to discover the logic of “the revolt” in each stage. Furthermore, through the character's image (Sisyphus, Prometheus, and Nemesis) in the ancient Greek mythology story, we deduced from the three kinds of models of “the revolt” (absurd, revolt, and limit), and further discussed the process of “the revolt” in Camus. This thesis divides into four chapters: Chapter one is “the formation of the revolt”, describe the historicity of “the revolt”. Chapter two “the connotation of the revolt”, and chapter three “the model of the revolt”, we discussed what is “the revolt” in Camus from these two philosophy works and three novels (the Stranger, the Plague, and the Fall ). Last but not the least, chapter four, “the spirit of the time in the revolt”, we discussed Camus’ “revolt" and his opinions by the experiences in his life.


Camus revolt absurd limit engagement embarquement intellectual


——, 1951, L’Homme révolté, Paris : Gallimard



