  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Analyzing Changhwa Post Logistics Model

指導教授 : 倪衍森


中華郵政創辦於1896年,服務據點遍佈全國城鄉離島,長久以來一直是民眾寄送郵件之管道。近年來網際網路發達,溝通管道多元且迅速,加上政府無紙化政策,傳統書信、文件遞送成為社會快速變遷下的夕陽產業,郵政函件業務大幅衰退;民營貨運、宅配業者突破經營模式及不公平競爭操作策略,搶佔物流遞送市場,包裹業務、快捷業務頓失大片江山,中華郵政面臨空前的威脅與挫敗。 面對業務經營困境,甚至產生鉅額虧損之際,如放任不管,對百年郵政形象將造成嚴重傷害,此外損害偏遠、離島民眾權益之情事亦可能發生。在中華郵政背負著不得不改變的處境,但又面臨法令束縛、員工權益保障等國營體制的枷鎖,讓中華郵政改革之路,走的蹣跚又充滿荊棘! 然而不經一番寒徹骨,焉得梅花撲鼻香。中華郵政並沒有因滿佈荊棘而退縮,反而激起大家同舟共濟休戚與共的共識,在善用遍佈全省營業據點、綿密遞送網、龐大客戶群等優勢,郵政物流發展就像龜兔賽跑故事的發展,先由兔子自恃而大意失荊州,然兔子善用其天賦並戮力改進,最後龜兔攜手合作共創雙贏。 態度決定高度,從被動等待到主動出擊,並隨時掌握時代巨輪之脈動的態度下,中華郵政一步ㄧ腳印,獲致豐收的纍纍果實,只要積極進取並持之以恆,必能在台灣物流市場上開天闢地,進而拓展郵政業務至彼岸與全球各角落。


宅配 物流 創新服務


Chunghwa Post was set up in 1896, and its service strongholds have been well distributed all over the country and outlying island. For a long of time, it has always been the channel of the general public for mail service. In recent years, because of the fast development of Internet, communication channel have been turned diversified and fast, in addition to the paper-less policy of government, whereas conventional mail and correspondence as well as document delivery have gradually become such fading industry under the context of our fast changing community. With massive reduction of mail service, privately operators of good transportation, operator of home delivery, all of them have broken loose the management scale and the operation strategy of unfair competition, taking hold of the market for logistic delivery, while significant loss is found with package business and fast delivery business; as a result, Chunghwa Post is confronted with unprecedented threat and setback. In face of the dilemma of business operation and even the critical moment of suffering from huge loss, the image of hundred-year old Chunghwa Post can have endured serious damager if it is left unchecked; besides, the interest of people at remote areas and outlying islands can be jeopardized. On one hand, Chunghwa Post is burdened the context that it has to conduct reform, however, it is shackled by legal provisions, the need of protection for employees’ rights and also that of state enterprise, and it is why the pace of reform for Chunghwa Post is so tottering and difficult. However, success can never be obtained through a series of hard work, and Chunghwa Post has not, therefore, backed off as of its tottering nor challenging path ahead. On the contrary, the tough context has well aroused the consensus of all to share the same fate of bitterness and sweetness as we make use of the advantages service strongholds throughout the country, closely-knitted delivery network, and massive clientele. On the other hand, the development of mail and logistics is like the development of running race between turtle and rabbit, and the latter will finally have lose the game as it is too proud. However, when the rabbit has well exploited gift and made full effort for improvement, a win-win scenario can be created with the cooperation between rabbit and turtle. In fact, attitude can have determined altitude, and if one can be turned from passive waiting into active attack as well as resorting to the attitude to master the vibration of grand wheel of the times at anytime Chunghwa Post can, step by step, achieve fruitful harvest if it can persist with aggression. As such, it can definitely open up its brand new world for the market of logistics in Taiwan and so as to expand its postal business to mainland China and corners of the world.


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1. 2004台灣物流年鑑,經濟部商業司出版。
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