  • 學位論文


Value Conflict Between the Survival Rights of Indigenous People and Environmental Ethics: Case Study of Maqaw National Park

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


本研究旨在探討原住民生存權與環境倫理之所產生的價值衝突,並以仍在推動中的馬告國家公園為例。在威權體制時期,國家公園當局在成立國家公園前,對於土地空間的規劃及使用,未曾徵詢當地原住民的意見;另外,國家公園法有多項條文限制了原住民的日常生活,例如狩獵、捕魚及採擷等,進而影響當地原住民的基本生存權、活動權、文化權及原住民保留地等。 解嚴後,政經環境遽變,原住民運動蓬勃發展,玉山、太魯閣及雪霸等三座高山型國家公園的原住民就不斷地與國家公園管理處發生衝突。本研究主要探討下列問題: 一、探討推動馬告國家公園不易成立的根本因素為何? 二、根據倡議聯盟及價值衝突理論,如何解決原住民生存權與環境倫理之價值衝突 ?   運用文獻探討法、訪談法及Nvivo 軟體等以三角定位方式,分析產生的價值衝突有哪些因素,試圖找出解決方法。研究發現,在原住民傳統領域內成立國家公園,除了影響原住民的生活習慣外,也影響了其文化的傳承;另外,是否座落在具有觀光景點的鄉鎮,對於成立國家公園的看法不一;如何落實共管機制,以保障原住民原有之權益;林業單位與國家公園等組織整合之問題。


The main theme of the research is to explore the value conflict between the survival rights of indigenous people and environmental ethics, and take the Maqaw National Park for example, which is now still an on-progressing proposal. Under the authoritarian regime, the authorities did not ask indigenous people for opinion about how to plan and use the lands before building up the Maqaw National Park; in addition, there were many provisions which restrict indigenous peoples’ daily life, such as hunting, fishing and gathering, etc, therefore, these provisions had caused impacts on indigenous peoples’ basic rights, like survival right, activity right, culture right and the right of aboriginal reserved lands. Since the termination of the martial law, the political-economic environment has changed a lot and the indigenous movements have raised and flourished, however, the indigenous people who live in these mountain national parks-Yushan National Park, Taroko National Park and Shei-Pa National Park-constantly have conflicts with the National Park Administrations. And this research will mainly discuss some questions as follows: 1. To find out why it is difficult to operate the Maqaw National Park proposal? 2. According to the view of advocacy coalition framework and value conflict theory, how can we settle down the value conflicts between the survival rights of indigenous people and environmental ethics? This research will use literature review, interview method and Nvivo research software and try to use triangulation method to analyze what are the factors that give rise to these conflicts. The research first finds that building up a national park in the indigenous traditional area is not only affecting indigenous peoples’ living habits, but also having impacts on the transmission of the culture; secondly, the research explores whether the national park is situated in a town with sightseeing spots or not will give rise to disagreements of building up the national park; thirdly, the research discuss how to make the co-management mechanism practicable to protect the original rights and benefits of the indigenous people; finally, the research will consider about the problems of the integration between the forestry bureau and the national parks.




