  • 學位論文


The Study of Cost and Schedule Integration on BIM

指導教授 : 范素玲


進度成本的整合係為營建管理領域之重要課題,然而實務上,進度項目之分工結構與成本項目之分工結構不相同,成本項目與進度項目之關聯也得藉由人工連結,且往往有無法連結之問題。建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)之發展日漸成熟,業界廠商也逐步跟進及導入,其可應用於工程生命週期的規劃、設計、發包、施工、驗收以及維護等階段;學術研究上亦有諸多案例研究證明其可降低成本、提升施工品質以及增加溝通等等效益。然而建築資訊模型軟體提供進度連結功能,也提供數量計算功能,然而進度與成本以及進度與建築資訊模型元件間整合問題仍未獲得解決。 因此為解決上述問題,本研究探討預算書之分工結構、進度表之分工結構及BIM 之分工結構之關係,提出BIM成本導向之進度排程模式,使由BIM元件、成本項目與進度項目可以自動連結。


Integration of cost and schedule has been an issue of great concern for researchers and practitioners in the construction industry. Nevertheless, the real-world implementation of breakdown structure for cost and schedule are at different level of detail and make integration of cost and schedule control far from complex. Building information modeling (BIM), 4D and 5D have recently attained widespread attention in the architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industries. However current 5D model although link cost items and schedule activities to BIM elements, integration of cost and schedule remains needing linking manually. To solve the above mention problem, this research investigated the relations between the structure of BIM elements, cost items and scheduling activities, and then proposes a method to develop a BIM cost-oriented scheduling model and implement it as a system to integrate BIM elements, cost items and scheduling activities.


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