  • 學位論文


The Cognition of Banking Employees to the Relationships between Organizational Change and Learning --Incentives System as the Moderator

指導教授 : 王居卿


本研究主要是探討個案銀行員工對組織變革與組織學習間的認知,及獎酬制度對組織變革與組織學習認知關係間之干擾效果;亦即,本研究以組織變革認知為自變數、以組織學習認知為依變數、及以獎酬制度認知為干擾變數去探討它們間的關係。本研究乃是一個個案的實證研究,研究對象對象為個案銀行北部地區之員工。 本研究採用便利抽樣法進行,透過紙本問卷方式直接發放給受訪者進行調查及回收。針對回收的有效問卷135份,經統計分析與討論後,有下列重要發現: 一、個案銀行員工之組織變革認知對組織學習有正向影響。 二、獎酬制度在華南銀行員工組織變革認知程度對組織學習有正向的干擾效果。 三、個案銀行員工的性別在組織變革認知之「變革效益認知」以及獎酬制度的「激勵性」等兩個構面上有顯著差異。


This study is an empirical research and the major purpose is to explore the relationship between the cognition of banking employees to organizational changes and learning under the moderator of incentive system. In other words, this study attempts to explore the relationships among organizational change (the independent variable), the organization learning (the dependent variable), and the incentive system (the moderator). The samples were studied are the employees in a bank of northern Taiwan. This study used convenient sampling method with written questionnaires that were directly handed out to and collected from all the objects. There were 135 valid questionnaires. After completing the empirical analysis and discussion, there are several major findings: 1. The bank employees' perception of organizational change has a positive impact on organizational learning. 2. The incentive system in the Bank has a positive moderate effect on employees' perception of organizational change and learning. 3. There is significant difference between genders regarding two aspects: “the change effect” in organizational change, and “encouragement” in incentive system.


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蕭詠璋、陳忠仁(2008)。組織變革與資訊科技對組織績效影響之研究。組織與管理,1(1): 73-94。
