  • 學位論文


The study of the interactions between Taiwan, Mainland China and Central American countries.

指導教授 : 宮國威


外交除了是一國內政的延伸,更是該國國力強弱的對外表現。所謂:「弱國無外交」,這句話除了表示外交工作是需要許多外在條件因素所支持之外,也說明了外交是一國總體國力的具體表現。外交工作在於保護國家免於外在的威脅,同時爭取國家最大利益。 1949年國民政府遷台後,由於當時國際情勢險峻,除了得面對中共的侵犯威脅外,更得注意國際情勢瞬息萬變的發展。戰後世界分成東西兩大陣營,分別代表共產主義和資本主義的對抗。我國政府為解決當前各方難題,與美國站在反共的同一陣線成了最佳的策略。與美國長久的互動,造就雙邊緊密關係,使得台灣在外交空間拓展上仰賴美國甚深,成了我國最倚重的對象。 拉丁美洲自19世紀門羅主義宣布後,便註定了與美國緊密相連的命運。「美國因素」成了拉美國家事務決策的重要參考依據。美國長久以來對拉丁美洲進行經貿投資,對拉美地區的經濟影響甚深,同時介入該地區國家的政治事務,以達到國家最高利益。 台灣在全球有超過20個邦交國,其中有一半來自於拉丁美洲。面對中共與日俱增的威脅和挑戰,台灣在拉丁美洲,尤其中美洲國家的邦交關係仍舊得以維持,除了台灣持續對該地區國家進行經濟和技術援助外,中共對中美洲地區的態度,以及美國影響力都是當中所必須考慮的因素。 美、中、台和拉美的四方關係,從70年代開始便產生了變化。國際情勢的演變,造成外交思維的改變,連帶影響整體外交決策的運作和考量。隨著近年來中國大陸的強盛和興起,對拉美國家產生磁吸效應,從而減弱了美國對該地區的影響力。影響所及,除了美國利益將受到衝擊外,台灣維繫和拉美友邦關係之間的「美國因素」的減弱,將使我國喪失有力支援,造成往後台拉外交發展上的變數。因此,透過本論文對台、中、拉三方外交互動和演變的探討,期盼能提供有用的知識,為台拉研究領域及雙邊發展盡一份心力。


中美洲 台灣 中國大陸 地緣政治


Diplomacy is the elongation of interior and the behavior of sates power. It means that diplomatic affairs need lots of exterior conditions to assist. To protect the nation’s security and avoid the menace is the duty of diplomatic assignment, besides, making the biggest benefit is also the main job for it. After WWⅡ, the world was separated by the two groups, the east and the west. For against the communism, the National government joined to U.S.A. After KMT moved to Taiwan, the international circumstances were steepy and dangerous in 1949. Besides facing the menaces of PROC, KMT also had to attend to the change and the development of international circumstances. For national security, anti-communism and international space, the KMT government chose to stand with U.S.A to salute all of the problems. Because of that, it made the relations between Taiwan and U.S.A closer and closer, and also made Taiwan to depend on U.S.A deeper and deeper. After U.S.A announced the Monroe Doctrine since 19th century, Latin America became one part of the international affairs of U.S.A. For a long time investing in Latin America, U.S.A influenced the economy of Latin America a lot, cause that Latin America depended on U.S.A a lot. U.S.A started to interrupt the affairs of Latin American countries to make the highest national benefits. Not only Latin American countries, but also Taiwan depends on U.S.A a lot. There are more than 20 countries with diplomatic relations with Taiwan in the world, a half of them is located in Latin America. Although the menace comes from PROC is bigger and bigger, the diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Latin America are still firm, especially with Central American countries. Besides the economic and technologic aid, the U.S.A influence is one of the most important efficient for keeping the bilateral relations. It started to change the four sides relations between Taiwan, U.S.A, PROC and Latin America in 1970s. Because the international circumstance had been different , it also influenced the function of the whole diplomatic decisions and made it changed. The great economic behavior of PROC is attractive to Latin American countries. In this situation, the influence of U.S.A in Latin America is getting low, and it crashed the U.S.A’s benefit and the relations between Taiwan and Latin American countries. In consequence, this article is discovering about the interactions between Taiwan, Mainland China and Latin America. I expect that I can afford some useful knowledge for the study of the relations between Taiwan and Latin America in this article.


Taborsky, Edward, Communist Penetration of the Third World(New York: Robert Speller & Sons Publishers, 1973).
Sloan, Geoffreey, Colin S. Gray, “Why Geopolitics?”, Geopolitics: Geography and Strategy (London and Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 1999).


俞介凡(2009)。中華民國對中南美洲邦交國經濟外交之研究- 以榮邦計畫為例(1988-2007)〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.01279
