  • 學位論文


How to Build Brands through Storytelling:The Case of Taiwan Bottled Tea Drink Ads.

指導教授 : 黃振家


台灣瓶裝茶飲料品牌競爭激烈的市場背景下,但黑松綠茶「花太郎」卻能夠在廣告中異軍突起,成功帶動銷售業績。其他品牌也開始跟進使用「故事行銷」手法,利用故事的戲劇張力吸引消費者。為了要從中脫穎而出,台灣瓶裝茶飲料品牌開始改變行銷策略,轉向以說故事的方式,藉由刺激消費者的情感達到銷售目標。本研究探究故事行銷如何利用說故事的敘事手法讓品牌傳遞意義概念,獲得消費者的認同。 本研究以故事行銷為主題架構,分析台灣瓶裝茶飲料廣告如何說故事打造品牌,以及從中檢視哪些敘事結構、人物角色、情節安排來傳遞故事的意義。以及比較各家瓶裝茶飲料品牌的故事行銷策略,從廣告內容比較後的差異性中做全面討論。本研究從敘事理論綜合文獻中整理出三種故事型廣告做分類,進行故事發展結構與格雷瑪斯(A.J Greimas)的行動元模式進行文本的研究分析。 本研究結論發現台灣瓶裝茶飲料廣告具有三種規律性的故事情節發展,能夠幫助品牌說故事,建立起品牌與消費者之間的情感連結。本研究的人物角色以及情節安排、因果關係,主導消費者去融入廣告情境,消費者從故事的日常生活情節找到學習參照的範本。最後比較各家瓶裝茶飲料廣告的內容發現,廣告依據瓶裝茶的產地來源與製造過程,影響了瓶裝茶飲料的故事表現手法。


Bottled tea drink market is highly competitive in Taiwan. All Brands promote their bottled tea drinks via various advertising media. Despite the highly competitive market, Hey Song’s “Hua Tai Rang” green tea advertisement which used a “story-based marketing” strategy proved to be a success based on its sales performance. Other brands also started using the story-based marketing strategy to attract consumers. As an overview, bottled tea drink brands in Taiwan began to change their marketing strategies, turned towards the form of storytelling to stimulate consumers’ emotions to reach sales target. This study explores how story-based marketing uses storytelling techniques to deliver a brand’s concept and win consumer’s acceptance. This study uses story-based marketing as the primary structure to investigate how bottled tea drink advertisements in Taiwan use storytelling to build brand images, and how the story structures, character dynamics and certain arrangement settings can affect the message delivered. Also compares different story-based marketing strategies from opposing bottled tea drink brands in Taiwan, and discusses their differences based on their advertisement contents. This study sorts out three kinds of story-based advertisements from specific narrative theory literature, which are then used for the storyline development and A.J Greimas Actantial-model analysis. The conclusion of the study defines that bottled tea drink advertisements in Taiwan have three kinds of regular storyline developments that can help a brand convey a story to create an emotional relationship with the consumers. The characters, plot and causality in this study lead consumers to identify with the advertising scenarios, where they are able to learn reference templates from the daily routines told within the advertisement story. Finally, based on the comparison of advertisements from all the bottled tea drink brands, the place of production and the manufacturing process can also affect the way story is told for each individual bottled tea drink.


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