  • 學位論文


A Study on the Corporate Sponsorship to the Athlete-The Case of Yen-hsun Lu

指導教授 : 黃振家


本研究以閱聽眾的觀點出發,並選取盧彥勳作為例子,以探討閱聽眾人口統計變項與行為變項、閱聽眾的認知與態度及企業的運動贊助之關係,研究對象為曾經收看過盧彥勳賽事轉播的閱聽眾,以發放紙本問卷和網路問卷兩種方式進行問卷調查研究,有效問卷共為302份,並以SPSS統計軟體20.0版為資料分析工具,採敘述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究結果如下: 一、閱聽眾人口統計變項與行為變項中,「年齡」及「是否會注意盧彥勳的相關報導」在對贊助企業的認知與態度上,有顯著差異。 二、閱聽眾行為變項中,「收看盧彥勳賽事轉播的頻率」、「是否會注意盧彥勳的相關報導」及「是否有參與過網球運動」在對盧彥勳的認知與態度上,有顯著差異。 三、閱聽眾人口統計變項中,「教育程度」在對企業贊助盧彥勳之社會行銷目標上,有顯著差異。 四、閱聽眾行為變項中,「收看盧彥勳賽事轉播的頻率」及「是否會注意盧彥勳的相關報導」在對媒體報導的認知與態度、以及企業的運動贊助上,有顯著差異。 五、閱聽眾的認知與態度各構面都和企業的運動贊助呈現顯著的正向關係。其中,閱聽眾對媒體報導的認知與態度和企業的運動贊助更是達到高度正相關。


企業贊助 運動贊助 態度


This study starts from the viewpoints of the audiences and takes Yen-hsun Lu as an example. The purpose of the study is to understand the relationship among audiences’ demographic variables and behavioral variables, audiences’ cognition and attitude, and corporate sponsorship. The samples of the study are the audiences who have ever watched the sport game of Yen-hsun Lu. The questionnaire survey includes paper questionnaires and web questionnaires. This study collects 302 valid questionnaires, and uses SPSS statistic software 20.0 edition as the tool to analyze the data. The data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings are: 1.The audiences’ demographic variables and behavioral variables, “age” and “whether have paid attention to the related report of Yen-hsun Lu”, there are significant differences in cognition and attitude toward the corporate. 2.The audiences’ behavioral variables, “the frequency of watching sport game of Yen-hsun Lu”, “whether have paid attention to the related report of Yen-hsun Lu”, and “whether have the habit of playing tennis”, there are significant differences in cognition and attitude toward Yen-hsun Lu. 3.The audiences’ demographic variables, “education level” has a significant difference in the objective of social marketing. 4.The audiences’ behavioral variables, “the frequency of watching sport game of Yen-hsun Lu”, “whether have paid attention to the related report of Yen-hsun Lu”, there are significant differences in cognition and attitude toward media report and corporate sport sponsorship. 5.There are significant positive correlations between each dimension of the audiences’cognition and attitude and corporate sport sponsorship. Particularly, the dimension of media report and corporate sport sponsorship show highly positive correlation.


