  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Service-Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teacher and Learning Motivation of Students

指導教授 : 吳清基


本研究以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討為輔,旨在探討國中導師服務領導行為與學生學習動機之關係。本研究主要目的: 一、瞭解國中導師服務領導行為與學生學習動機之現況。 二、探討不同背景變項的學生,知覺導師服務領導行為及其學習動機的差異情形。 三、探討國中導師服務領導行為對學生學習動機之相關情形。 四、探討國中導師服務領導行為對學生學習動機之預測情形。 五、根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供學校單位、國中導師以及未來研究者之參考。 依據研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,編製「國中導師服務領導行為、學生學習動機之調查問卷」進行調查,以基隆市國中二年級學生為調查對象,共抽取 10 所學校 20 個班級,共計 445 位受試者為樣本,計回收有效問卷 435 份,有效問卷回收率為 98 %;蒐集的資料以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究所獲致之結論如下: 一、國中學生知覺導師服務領導行為整體及各向度呈現中高程度,其中又以「服侍與管理」得分最高,「傾聽與同理」得分最低。 二、國中學生知覺其學習動機整體及各向度呈現中高程度,其中又以「價值成分」得分最高,「情感成分」得分最低。 三、國中學生知覺導師服務領導行為之現況在性別、家庭結構、導師任教科目是否與你喜歡的科目一致、就讀班級有幾人、是否擔任過幹部的背景變項上,皆有顯著之差異。 四、國中學生知覺其學習動機之現況在是否擔任過幹部的背景變項上,無顯著之差異。 五、國中學生知覺其學習動機之現況在性別、家庭結構、導師任教科目是否與你喜歡的科目一致、就讀班級有幾人的背景變項上,有顯著之差異。 六、國中導師服務領導行為與學生學習動機具有顯著正相關。 七、國中導師服務領導行為與學生學習動機具有正向的預測作用。 最後依據結論,本研究提出相關建議,俾供學校單位、國中導師 以及未來研究之參考。


This study mainly aims, via adopting the methods of questionnaire survey and literature review, to explore the relationship between Service-Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teachers and the Learning Motivation of Students. The main purposes of this study include: 1. To learn about the current situation and the relationship between Service-Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teachers and the Learning Motivation of Students. 2. To analyze the differences between students of different backgrounds in terms of Service-Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teachers and the Learning Motivation. 3.To explore the relationship between Service-Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teachers and the Learning Motivation of Students. 4. To discuss the prediction of the Learning Motivation of Students from the Service- Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teachers. 5.To propose suggestions, based on the research findings, useful for the future reform of related policies. To achieve these purposes, this study adopts a questionnaire survey.“The investigative questionnaire of Service-Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teachers and the Learning Motivation of Students” is the main tool we used. The second-year students of junior high school in Keelung City were selected as the survey subjects. A total of 20 classes from 10 schools were selected. A sample of 445 subjects participated, 435 valid questionnaires were collected, and the valid questionnaire recovery rate was 98%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis are conducted to analyze the data collected. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Junior high school students’ perceptual tutors’ Service-Leadership Behaviors show mid-to-high levels as a whole and in all dimensions. Among them, "Serving and Management" scored the highest, and "Listening and Empathy" scored the lowest. 2. Junior high school students perceive their learning motivation as a mid-to-high level overall and in all dimensions. Among them, the "value component" scores the highest and the "emotional component" scores the lowest. 3. The current situation of middle school students' perceived tutor Service-Leadership Behaviors has significant differences in gender, family structure, whether or not the subjects taught by the tutor are consistent with your favorite subjects, how many students are in the class, and whether or not they have served as a cadre. 4. There is no significant difference in the status of junior high school students' perception of their learning motivation in terms of whether they have served as a cadre or not. 5. Junior high school students' perceptions of their learning motivation are significantly different in gender, family structure, whether the subjects taught by the tutor are consistent with your favorite subjects, and the background variables of how many students are in the class. 6. There is a significant positive correlation between the Service-Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teachers and the Learning Motivation of Students. 7. The Service-Leadership Behaviors of Junior High School Teachers and the Learning Motivation of Students have a positive predictive effect. According to the conclusions, some suggestions are provided as references for the parents, public preschools, the Department of Education and future follow-up studies.


