  • 學位論文


The study of the relation between runoff and runoff coefficient in different rainfall data

指導教授 : 林意楨


本研究彙整1997年至2006年二仁溪流域之阿蓮(2)與崇德橋測量站、南澳溪流域之南澳橋與澳尾橋測量站及大安溪流域雪山坑測量站十年間之流量與降雨量水文資料,以合理化公式計算研究流域中五個測量站之逕流相關係數 值,且將流量、雨量資料分類為「年」、「枯水期」、「豐水期」、「5~7月」、「8~10月」、「11~1月」、「2~4月」,以研究其逕流係數 值之相關性,研究結果顯示降雨量多時其逕流相關係數 值相關性較明顯,反之不顯著,並利用上述分類法求得逕流相關係數 值為常數之趨勢。然本研究亦加入其他地文因子探討,如土地利用、坡度變化、地質與地形等,且使用地理資訊系統GIS分析歸納各研究流域集水區之土地開發情形及坡度分級,俾利分析各研究流域集水區是否因坡度之不同或集流時間或降雨強度或土地利用發展等地文及水文因素,而導致逕流相關係數 值變化。 本研究結果顯示,在坡度分析,坡度對集流時間及逕流量會造成影響;分析土地利用,發現各流域因土地開發程度較高而降雨滲透能量減少,植被截流與地表阻流功能消失,導致逕流相關係數 增大;在線性迴歸分析中,除枯水期外,在年以及豐水期之相關性較佳,因此在未來若進行類似研究分析時,為求較合理之數據或結果,需依不同之流量特性選擇較合適之分析方法。


This research had collected the daily runoff and daily rainfall data of five different watersheds, which are Chung-Techou watershed, A-Lien-2 watershed, Nan-AO-Chao watershed, Ao-Wei-Chiao watershed, and Hsueh-Shan-Keng watershed, from 1997 to 2006. These data also explains the way of reasoning the time of concentration and runoff coefficient in different watersheds. The rational formula was discussed the relationship between rainfall and runoff coefficient. The data is divided into 5 types, which are one year, November to April, May to October, May to July, August to October, November to January, and February to April. This research makes use of Geographic Information Systems to analyze the effects of the degree of development and slope of each watershed. The relationships between different watershed’s slope, time of concentration and rainfall intensities were also discussed. This preliminary research inquired into the statistical characteristics from the actual measurements in the historical flood, and summed up the influences of the geographically characteristics of five different watersheds. From the analyses’ results, the time of concentration was not directly proportional to the degree of slope. The texture of soil and the type of land use in different watershed area were also examined and analyzed in order to find out how these factors have affected on the surface runoff and the river discharge. The result shows how the influence of land uses and the slope on runoff coefficient in different watersheds. This research suggests that the use of Geographic Information Systems to investigate the watershed environment is essential in the future. Owing to the relationship between nature environment and land exploitation are complicated, it could have great differences according to the various characteristics for different districts. Therefore in the future with similar research, the model (watersheds) should be carefully chosen.




