  • 學位論文


The Influence of Language Learnig of European Union — Case of Netherlands

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


由於歐盟的日益擴大,文化與語言上的多樣性因而與日俱增,為了解決語言及文化上的衝突問題,「教育」的進行為可行的方式之一。因此,歐盟在1980年代末期提出相關的語言教育計畫,以加強會員國人民的語言能力。然而,歐盟如何合理的進行教育相關權限以不至於跨越會員國本身的權限,以及其實施之成效情況,皆是本文欲探討的。此外,為了使本研究更加具體,在瞭解歐盟的語言教育政策之發展歷程與相關內容之後,另以荷蘭為例,探討荷蘭本身的語言教育政策在歐盟語言教育政策的輔助下,所受到的影響。 本文以輔助原則為研究基礎,共分為五章:第一章為緒論;第二章則先從歐盟有關於教育方面的條約,瞭解歐盟語言教育政策的發展與內容,之後,再對於歐盟語言教育政策的相關計畫做瞭解與探討;第三章的部分,則針對荷蘭的語言政策之發展與內容做瞭解與探討,包括荷蘭對於母語以及少數語言—弗里西語的保護、教育以及推廣等方面做詳細的研究與探討;而第四章的部分,則對於荷蘭外語教育政策的發展與內容進行瞭解與探討,首先,先瞭解荷蘭國家行動計畫對於荷蘭外語教育的影響,之後,再對於荷蘭學校教育中之外語學習做進一步的了解與探討,最後進而探討歐盟語言教育政策對荷蘭所產生的影響;第五章則為結論。 本研究之研究結論可歸納如下: 1. 荷蘭對於母語課程的重視,值得作為台灣母語教育之省思與借鏡。 2. 荷蘭對少數語言弗里西語的保護、教育與推廣有待繼續增進,可藉由相關之文化推 廣,如音樂、戲劇、電影、甚至是文學創作,提升對於弗里西語的學習與使用。 3. 歐洲區域或少數語言憲章對弗里西語保護之成效有所限制,但仍然有一定之輔助效 用。 4. 歐盟強調多語的學習,但是,事實上,歐盟的外語學習仍集中於英、德、法三語。


The diversity of culture and language is going higher as a result of the European Union enlarges. In order to solve the conflict problem of culture and language, “education” is a way to do it. Therefore, the European Union proposes some language education policy to promote the language skills of the people of the member states. However, how does the European Union implement the related education policy but not to across the member states’ power, is an important part to research in this study. Besides, after knowing the development and content of the European Union language education policy, taking Netherlands for instance, in order to study the influence of the language education policy of Netherlands under the subsidiarity of the European Union language education policy. This study bases on the principle of subsidiarity, including five chapters:Chapter 1 elaborates on the purposes, motives, scope, method, structure limitations of this study. Chapter 2 begins from the education articles of the European Union to know the development and content of the EU language education policy, and then research the EU language education programmes. Chapter 3 discusses the development and content of the language policy of Netherlands, including the protection, education and promotion of Dutch and Frisian. However, Chapter 4 mainly researches the development and content of the foreign language education of Netherlands. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The government of Netherlands pays much attention to the mother language education. It’s worth to being reference to Taiwan. 2. By related cultural promotion, such as music, dramas, movies, and even literature works, in order to elevate the learning and using of Frisian. 3. European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages has its’ supportive effect on the protection of Frisian. 4. The European Union emphasizes the learning of multilingual, however, in fact, the foreign language learning of the EU still focus on English, German and French.


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Xabier Arzoz(eds.)(2008), Respecting Linguistic Diversity in the European Union, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Council of Europe, 1950, “Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms”, European Treaty Series – No. 5.


