  • 學位論文


Married Women’s Work and Family Situation - Using Direct Service Social Workers as Examples

指導教授 : 彭莉惠


本研究以直接服務的已婚女性社會工作者作為關注對象,其類型為家庭暴力暨性侵害防治中心、少年輔導委員會、老年人之長期照護的社會工作人員是本研究的觀察重點。研究者透過質性深度訪談的方式,去探討已婚女性社工人員的家庭及工作的處境,並透過未來學研究方法的情境分析法,了解已婚社工女性對於自我的未來職涯與家庭的期許樣貌。 本研究發現,在現代社會中,不論關懷何種案主類型的已婚女性社工對自我的生命價值與工作/家庭的期許皆逐漸提升,而對家庭角色的定位較從前模糊,亦對家庭與工作角色希冀達到平衡的理想狀態。然而,由於本研究的研究對象-社工人員的工作必須以案主為優先,因此沒有固定的上下班時段,進而對於分配給家庭的時間減少,造成工作與家庭(育兒)相兼的兩難。本研究亦發現,家庭的支持系統與社會的支援系統有待加強,此兩項均會影響女性社會工作者的勞動權益與對工作的勝任與投入。若有充足的家庭與社會支援系統,不僅能使已婚女性社工實現自我理想、平衡工作與家庭的角色衝突,也能使其助益更多需要協助的個案。


This research considered these married female social workers who provide directive services as main person. These who provide services in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center, Juvenile Guidance Committee, and elderly long-term care are the interviewees of the research. Through in-depth interview, this study aimed at exploring the circumstances between family and work of these married female social workers. Furthermore, through scenario analysis the research depicts some possible and probably futures of their families and works. The findings of the study is that married female social workers are gradually enhanced their life of self-worth and work / family's expectations. Besides, their position on family roles blurred than before and also they are looking for balance between work and family. However, they need to put the case person in priority based on the type of jobs they participated in, so they have seldom time for their families. And this research also finds out the support of family and society will affect competence and commitment of female workers, so it is important and needs to be strengthened. With sufficient support from families and societies, married female social workers can have better opportunity to achieve their self-ideal, balance between work and family, and help more people for cases.


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