  • 學位論文


Influence of Salary Structure of Real Estate Salesmen on Job Performance

指導教授 : 楊立人


房地產銷售人員的薪酬結構可能是影響其工作性能的主要因素之一。然而,許多房地產企業忽視足夠的薪酬結構,導致工作表現不佳。 本研究的主要目的是調查房地產銷售人員的薪酬結構對其工作性能的影響。第二個目的是評估不同的人口統計變量之間在工資結構上的差異。 此外,本研究的第三個目的是評估不同的人口統計變量之間在工作性能上的差異。共有238可用樣品提取並用於描述性分析,因素分析,信度分析,建構效度,t檢驗,方差分析(ANOVA)分析和回歸分析。 結果表明,房地產銷售人員的工資結構有利於工作績效。此外,在房地產銷售人員的薪酬結構差異存在幾個人口變量。最後,調查結果還表明,差異存在於工作績效的某些人口統計變量。


Salary structure of real estate salesmen may be one of the major factors that influence their job performance. However, many real estate companies ignore adequate salary structure leading to a poor job performance. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effect of salary structure of real estate salesmen on their job performance. The second objective was to evaluate the difference in salary structure among different demographic variables. In addition, the third objective of this research was to assess the difference in job performance among different demographic variables. A total of 238 usable samples were retrieved and used for descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, construct validity, t test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and regression analysis. The results suggest that salary structure of real estate salesmen contributes to job performance. In addition, the difference in salary structure of real estate salesmen exists for several demographic variables. Finally, the findings also indicate that the difference exists in job performance for certain demographic variables.


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